Energy and Environmental Advocacy

Smart Grid/Advanced Metering Infrastructure ( AMI) (Case No. 9207) 

OCP provided written comments and attended a  PSC  administrative meeting regarding PEPCO's Smart Grid proposals.  OCP also provided written comments regarding BGE's Smart Grid Initiative.  A "Smart Grid" is an advanced transmission and delivery system that uses digital technology to save energy and reduce costs.  Promotion of Smart Grid technologies by utilities serving Montgomery County was one of the recommendations made in the Climate Protection Plan issued by the Sustainability Working Group.

  • OCP encouraged PEPCO and BGE to maximize the use of funds available under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.
  • The Department of Energy (DOE) announced that the maximum individual awards available under the Smart Grid Investment Grant Program would be increased from $20 million to $200 million and that the maximum for Smart Grid Demonstration Projects would be increased from $40 million to $100 million.
  • Member of Smart Grid Implementation Working Group convened to establish (1) consensus education plans and effectiveness metrics and reporting formats (2) consensus installation, performance, benefits, privacy, cyber security and budgetary metrics and reporting formats; and (3) establish consensus recommendations for dynamic pricing implementation. 

See your utility's website for more information about Smart Meters: