Court & Transportation
The Sheriff's Office Court and Transportation Section is responsible for the transportation of inmates housed in facilities in the Montgomery County Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (MCDOR). Deputies also transport inmates to and from Montgomery County District and Circuit Courts as well as to Courts and Correctional Facilities throughout the State of Maryland. The Sheriff's Office performs around 20,000 prisoner transports each year. Deputies assigned to this section also provide security to Judges, inmates and visitors during court hearings.
(Montgomery County Circuit Court)
The Sheriff's Office also manages four temporary holding facilities for court related functions. These holding facilities are located in Silver Spring District Court, Rockville District Court and the Montgomery County Circuit Court. These holding facilities meet stringent accreditation standards and processes approximately 14,500 prisoners annually.
(Silver Spring District Court House) (Rockville District Court House)
Sheriff has a variety of transport vehicles to perform prisoner transports. upon the request of other law enforcement agencies, the Sheriff's Office has also utilized these vehicles to assist with events that may require large numbers of transports resulting from arrests. The Sheriff's Office is equipped and prepared for emergency holding of inmates and works directly with the Montgomery County Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation to establish emergency evacuation and support plans in the event an incident should occur requiring emergency housing of inmates
(Sheriff's Office Transport Vans)