Traffic Calming Measures by
Roadway Type
Arterial vs. Residential Road Types
Speed Control Measure | Arterial | Residential |
Police Enforcement | yes, enhanced | yes, routine |
SMART trailer (flashing speed display) | yes, 2 lane roadways only | yes |
Traffic Circles | yes, if designed to accommodate full movements by trucks and buses | yes, retrofit design |
Speed Humps | no | generally yes |
Curb Extensions | yes | yes |
Median or Pedestrian Refuge Island | yes | yes |
Edgelines to narrow wide roadway to create parking lane or shoulder | yes | yes |
NOTE: Volume control measures are not used on arterial roadways and are considered on residential roadways only in accordance with Section 31-49, Residential Traffic Management Areas, Montgomery County Code 1994 and
Executive Regulation 17-94AM.