Party Rentals

A pool party is the ultimate celebration. Montgomery County Recreation is proud to be home to dozens of birthday parties and other gatherings, and we’re excited to help you host your next big event. No matter your age, you’ll have fun racing down the water slide, jumping off the diving board or swimming in the pool! After you’ve had your fill of the pool, you can keep the party going in one of our rentable spaces.
Cost: Covers 1 hour room use and admissions for up to 25 kids and five adults.
- County Residents $220
- Non-County Residents $270
Party Guidelines
Please read carefully and plan in advance.
- The party must take place after swimming.
- All persons involved in the party (in the upstairs party space) must be dressed in street clothing (no swim suits).
- Party bands will be given to hosts after check-in on day of party. The appropriate party band must be worn by all persons, adults and children, going on the pool deck. Party hosts are responsible for dispersing bands to guests. Center staff will not maintain guest lists.
- Extra guests intending to be present on the pool deck must be in bathing suit attire and pay general admission prices prior to proceeding to pool area.
- Everyone going downstairs to the swim facility (adults, as well as children) pays the admission fee and must be attired in a swimsuit.
- At least one adult (over 18) in a swim suit must be in the swim area for every five children (ages 6+). Children under 6 require a ratio of one adult per child.
- Please be sure that all adults bring proof of residency (Ex. a valid driver's license).
- The center provides lockers and showers. You must provide your own lock. Do not bring valuables to the pool. All clothing and personal items should be locked in a locker or kept by the adult coordinator at all times.
It is the responsibility of the party coordinator to set up and clean up the party area within the allotted rental time. Food and drinks are permitted in the Party Room only. Party decorations are permitted on the tables only.
Refrigerator and freezer space is not available. The swim center will provide tables and chairs, a broom and dustpan and trash bags. Please use the appropriate marked containers to recycle items.
Party Requests
Fill out a Request Form and bring it to the pool if you would like to reserve a party space. Completing a request form does not guarantee your reservation for the use of the facility.
Birthday Party Form
Birthday Party Form
All requests must be submitted in person during business hours. All requests must be submitted at least two weeks before the requested date and no more than three months beforehand. You must pay the full rental fee at the time of signing of the Birthday Party Rental Application, no exceptions. You will be contacted about status of your request within five days.
Days and times available for rentals vary by location.
Check Collection Policy
If your check is returned unpaid, your account will be debited electronically for the original check amount and electronically or via paper for the state's maximum allowable service fee. Payment by check constitutes authorization of these transactions. You may revoke your authorization by calling 800-666-5222, ext. 2, to arrange payment due for any outstanding checks and service dues.