Rec Room | Adults

hands on exercise mat in push-up form

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DIY Heat Press

Join Elijah Davis of Montogmery County Recreation in this neat DIY T-Shirt Tutorial

More Arts & Crafts

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Living Room Exercises

Stay fit and learn these low impact moves without leaving your living room.

More Sports

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Calm Corner

Vikara Village is excited to invite you to experience Calm Corner!
Our new online portal is designed for helpers, teens, parents, and everyone in between, with tailored paths to address your unique life challenges. Our portal currently features virtual yoga classes, guided meditations, and various articles and resources to help support you during this time.
It will be continuously updated with more resources every week.
Sign-up for a FREE account to use this awesome resource.

kids on couch meditating

Check This Out

More Wellness/Fitness

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Let's Go to Mars

Tired of your living room? Let's go to Mars from home.
Google provides an interactive experience on the planet of Mars.

Let's Go

More Virtual Tours


Montgomery County COVID-19 Information

Use of Face Coverings

Mental Health Resources

2020 Census

MCPS Meals Information

Engage@Home Caregiver Support Program