2005 Zoning Text Amendments (ZTA’s) and Subdivision Regulation Amendments (SRA’s)

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ZTA/SRA No. Title Status
ZTA-05-23 TDR Easement - Nonresidential Uses Lapsed
ZTA-05-22 TS-R/TS-M Zone Amendment Adopted - Signed
ZTA-05-21 Corporate Training Center - C-P Zone Adopted - Signed
SRA-05-06 Subdivision and Site Plans - Coordination with other Agencies Enacted
SRA-05-05 Planning Board Actions - Enforcement Enacted
ZTA-05-20 Site Plans - Approval, Amendment and Enforcement Adopted-Signed
Ordinance No. 15-63
ZTA-05-19 Use and Occupancy Permits and Site Plan Enforcement Lapsed
SRA-05-04 Site Plan Enforecment Lapsed
ZTA-05-18 Hearing Examiner - Planning Board Adopted-Signed
Ordinance No. 15-64
ZTA-05-17 Site Plan Enforcement Lapsed
ZTA-05-16 Workforce Housing Enacted - Ordinance 15-77
SRA-05-03 Adequate Public Facilitlies - Validity Period Enacted - Signed
ZTA-05-15 Impervious Surface Limits for the RE-2, RE-1, Rural, RC and RDT zones Lapsed
ZTA-05-14 Sign Ordinance Adopted - Signed
ZTA-05-13 Permit Fees - Waiver Adopted - Signed
ZTA-05-12 C-2 Zone Special Development Procedures Enacted - Ordinance 15-68
ZTA-05-11 Accessory Buildings - Height and Lot Coverage Introduced
ZTA-05-10 Telecommunication Facility Amendments Adopted - signed - Ordinance No. 15-54
ZTA-05-09 Wholesale Trades for Industrial or Commercial Users in the
I-3 Zone
Adopted - Signed
ZTA-05-08 Minimum Lot Area and Transfer of Density in CBD Zones Enacted - Ordinance- 15-60
SRA-05-02 Lots - Location in County Introduced
ZTA-05-07 Country Inn Zone - Clarification of Building and Parking Setbacks Enacted - Ordinance- 15-51
ZTA-05-06 Building Materials in the R & D Zone

Adopted - Signed
Ordinance No.15-66

ZTA-05-05 Streetscape Requirements in the I-1 Zone Lapsed
SRA-05-01 Subdivision Regulation Amendment
MPDUs - Finding of Financial Infeasibility
ZTA-05-04 MPDUs - Finding of Financial Infeasibility Adopted
ZTA-05-03 Sign Review Board - Membership Adopted
ZTA-05-02 A New Transit Oriented Mixed Use Zone Adopted - Signed
ZTA-05-01 Special Exception Standards for Non-resident Professional Offices in the R-90 Zone Adopted - Ordinance 15-48