PBTSAC Upcoming Meetings and Events

The Pedestrian, Bicycle, and Traffic Safety Advisory Committee (PBTSAC) is a group of residents, elected officials, and government representatives focused on pedestrian, bicycle, and traffic safety issues in Montgomery County. The PBTSAC generally meets the fourth Thursday of the month, bimonthly. The next meeting will take place on Thursday, January 23rd at 7 PM virtual only. Event Information and Sign-up.

If you have any questions or concerns, please send an email to the Committee through this link. If you would like additional information about these meetings, please e-mail [email protected].

Upcoming Meeting Dates (click the meeting date to register)

Committee Roster and Meeting Materials

Committee Roster
Meeting Agendas and Minutes

Annual Report

2023 Annual Report

Committee Member Resources

Member Handbook
Mandatory Trainings
General Policies and Procedures for all County boards and committees
County Code Governing PBTSAC (Sec. 49-81)