Pedestrian, Bicycle, and Traffic Safety Advisory Committee Roster
Chair and Vice Chair
- Issa Haddad
Damascus Resident
- Christopher Arndt
Boyds Resident
Vice Chair
Vice Chair
Public Members
- Myles Davenport
Silver Spring Resident
- (Vacant)
Representing Maryland Municipal League
- Sanjida Rangwala
Silver Spring Resident
- (Vacant)
- Tricia Umeh
North Bethesda Resident
Representing People with Disabilities
Representing People with Disabilities
- Sonia-Moore Williams
Silver Spring Resident
- (Vacant)
- (Vacant)
Government Representatives
- Stephen Aldrich
Representing Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission
- Christopher Conklin
Representing Montgomery County Department of Transportation
- Natali Fani-González
Representing Montgomery County Council
- Captain Warren Jensen
Representing Montgomery County Police Department
- Joe Moges
Representing Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration
- (Vacant)
Representing Montgomery County Public Schools
- (vacant)
Representing Regional Service Center Directors