Notice to Bidders
Informal - Request for Quotation
Development of a High School Pedestrian Safety Campaign and Toolkit
RFQ #1038458
By the following proposal the Montgomery County, Maryland Department of Transportation is requesting proposals for the Development of a High School Pedestrian Safety Campaign and Toolkit.
Proposals must be submitted by mail or delivered to the following:
Montgomery County Department of Transportation, Director’s Office
101 Monroe Street, 10th Floor
Rockville, MD 20850
ATTENTION: Nadji Kirby
All proposals must be received by 4:00 P.M. on Wednesday, February 5, 2014. No Proposals will be accepted after the established delivery due date and time. The sealed proposal package must be clearly marked with the solicitation number, due date, and due time.
Click to download Request for Quotation - Development of High School Pedestrian Safety Campaign and Toolkit
For questions relating to this solicitation document please contact Ms. Nadji Kirby with MCDOT at 240-777-7169.