Upcoming Meetings and Events

The Pedestrian, Bickycle, and Traffic Safety Advisory Commitee (PBTTSAC) is a group of citizens, elected officials, and government representatives focused on pedestrian and bicycle safety issues in Montgomery County. The PBTSAC generally meets the fourth Thursday of the month, bimonthly. The next meeting will take place on Thursday, February 25th at 7 PM. Event Infomation >

If you have any questions or concerns, please send an email to the Committee through this link. If you would like additional information about these meetings, please e-mail [email protected]

2021 Meeting Dates

February 25th
March 25th
May 27th
July 22nd
September 23rd
November 25th

   Keep in Touch on Facebook

Advisory Committee Roster

Kristy Daphnis, Chair
Silver Spring Resident

To Contact: [email protected]

Stephen Aldrich
Maryland National Capital Park and Planning Commission

Angela Ashe
Friendship Heights Resident

George Branyan
Silver Spring Resident

Thomas Bridle
Bethesda Resident

Marybeth Cleveland
Derwood Resident

Disabilities Community Representative

Heidi Coleman
Bicycle Advocate
Silver Spring Resident

Luisa Montero-Diaz
Mid-County Regional Service Center

Captain Thomas Didone
Montgomery County Police Department

Derek Gunn
Acting Assistant District Engineer
Maryland State Highway Administration

Dave Helms
Silver Spring Resident

H. Leon Langley
Montgomery County Public Schools

Rachel Maleh
Grosvenor / Strathmore Resident

Jeremy Martin
City of Rockville
Maryland Municipal League

Hans Rierner
Montgomery County Council

Al Roshdieh
Director, Montgomery County Department of Transportation

Leah Walton
Wheaton Resident