Pedestrian Facility Users Guide
Useful information on walkable communities, for reducing pedestrian crashes, and engineering improvements.
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
Federal agency whose mission is to reduce traffic deaths. Part of the US Dept of Transportation.
Bicycle and Pedestrian Program – Planning and Environment - FHWA
Promotes bicycle and pedestrian transportation use, safety, and accessibility.
National Center for Injury Prevention and Control
Information on motor vehicle safety from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention. Initiative
Guide to the dangers of drinking and driving
Parking Lot Safety
Tips and resources for reducing the risk of parking lot collisions
Toward Zero Deaths Maryland
Maryland's initiative to reduce deaths on our roadways through policy, public health, education, enforcement, and other efforts
Read Your Road
If you have a question about any of the signs, signals, or road markings, this handy online manual has lots of answers.
Drive Safe®!: Keeping Pedestrians Safe When You’re Behind the Wheel
Instructional video designed to teach pedestrian safety concepts to students in driver education, classes, or other instructional venues where pedestrian safety issues can be integrated into the curriculum.
Safety Tips for Drivers
National Center for Bicycling & Walking
Great source for all kinds of information. Sign up for their Centerlines E-newsletter.
Walkable Communities
An organization that promotes communities that are safe and fun to walk in. Check out their library.
Is Your Community Walkable?
Use this checklist to see what is needed to make your community safer for walking.
Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center
WalkSafeTM: Keeping Pedestrians Safe in the “Danger Zone”
English-language instructional video designed to teach pedestrian safety concepts. It was developed for use in ESOL classes and other instructional venues where English is taught at basic, intermediate, and advanced levels.
Safety Tips for Pedestrians
The Walking School Bus Information Website
If you’re interested in setting up a walking school bus, this is the place to start.
Safe Routes to Schools Program
Connecting the trip to school with safety, health, community, and choice
Maryland Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Education Program,
Teacher’s Guide (big pdf, requires fast internet connection) and cover (Word doc). ***NOTE: These resources are provided for our readers' convenience. Their inclusion does not imply endorsement by Montgomery County Govenment***
Maps and Other Information
Link to Montgomery County Park Trail Maps -
The Division of Transportation Engineering's Bikeway Program - maps, projects, trails and other related information -