Hazard Mitigation

Hazard Mitigation Plan 2024


Natural hazards are naturally occurring environmental risks. Where natural hazards overlap the built environment, they have the potential to cause great harm to communities and their critical infrastructure. Hazard mitigation planning is the process of identifying the risks, vulnerabilities, and the capabilities of our community.  We then develop mitigation strategies to reduce the loss of life and damage to property from these natural events.

Hazard Mitigation Plans are key to breaking the cycle of disasters and making our community more resilient. On average, every $1 spent on mitigation saves $6 on future disaster losses (PDF) . As stated in 44 Code of Federal Regulation (CFR) § 201.1(b), “the purpose of mitigation planning is for state, local and Indian tribal governments to identify the natural hazards that impact them, to identify actions and activities to reduce any losses from those hazards, and to establish a coordinated process to implement the plan, taking advantage of a wide range of resources.”  With that in mind, another key benefit of having a FEMA-Approved and Locally Adopted Hazard Mitigation Plan is that Montgomery County would qualify to apply for future mitigation grant funding to implement these strategies. Hazard Mitigation Plans must be updated and adopted every five years to maintain eligibility to apply for hazard mitigation funding and receive Federal Financial Assistance.

In coordination with the County's Climate Action Plan (PDF), the 2024 Hazard Mitigation Plan will take a closer look at the role climate change plays in hazards affecting Montgomery County, as well as coupling climate resiliency strategies with hazard mitigation strategies. 

The current adopted Hazard Mitigation Plan is available for download: 2024 Montgomery County Hazard Mitigation Plan (PDF)

Hazard Mitigation Assistance (HMA) Grants

FEMA's Hazard Mitigation Assistance (HMA) Grants provides funding for eligible mitigation measures that reduce disaster losses. Hazard mitigation is any sustainable action that reduces or eliminates long-term risk to people and property from future disasters.

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How to apply?

The application cycle starts with submitting a Notice of Interest (NOI) to the Office of Emergency Management and Homeland Security (OEMHS) in August. The application timeframe depends on the Notices of Funding Opportunities (NOFO) announcement from the federal government. OEMHS reviews and submits the NOIs to the State, and it is crucial that the project to be aligned with the County Hazard Mitigation Plan (HMP).

Upon receiving the State recommendation and approval, OEMHS provides technical assistance and submits the recommended sub-applications to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) through MDEM. MDEM is the pass-through agency and will disburse the grant awards to the awarded sub-applicants.

Eligible Sub-applicants:

  • Local Governments (County agencies and municipalities)
  • Tribal Governments
  • State Agencies
  • Tribal Agencies

Please consider the following criteria prior to submitting your sub-application:

  • Eligible sub-applicants are responsible for the 25% non-federal cost share.
  • Sub-applicant must not use federal funds for their 25% non-federal cost share.
  • The awarded projects cannot be started/completed prior to the kick-off meeting with MDEM.
  • The application timeframe and deadline vary based on the Notices of Funding Opportunities (NOFO) announcement from the federal government.
  • NOIs received after the August of each year will be kept in the OEMHS repository for the next application cycle or NOFO.

Please use the below fillable forms to develop your NOIs and Sub-applications:

If you are interested in developing a strong Hazard Mitigation Assistance (HMA) application, please review the slides of the FY24 OEMHS HMA Grant Application Virtual Webinar under the Meeting and Webinar Materials tab below.

Questions can be directed to [email protected].

  • Montgomery County Office of Emergency Management and Homeland Security
  • Montgomery County Department of Environmental Protection
  • Montgomery County Department of Permitting Services
  • Montgomery County Department of Transportation
  • Montgomery County Department of General Services
  • Maryland-National Capitol Park and Planning Commission
  • City of Gaithersburg
  • City of Rockville
  • City of Takoma Park
  • Town of Barnesville
  • Town of Brookeville
  • Town of Chevy Chase
  • Town of Chevy Chase View
  • Town of Chevy Chase Village
  • Town of Garrett Park
  • Town of Glen Echo
  • Town of Kensington
  • Town of Laytonsville
  • Town of Poolesville
  • Town of Somerset
  • Town of Washington Grove
  • Village of Chevy Chase, Section 3
  • Village of Chevy Chase, Section 5
  • Village of Martin’s Additions
  • Village of North Chevy Chase