A group of people sitting around a square table at a meeting.

Montgomery County, Maryland
Community Organizations Active in Disaster (COAD)

When a disaster occurs, neighbors and community organizations are often eager to help. The Montgomery County COAD is a collaborative network of organizations formed to improve awareness of the needs of the community and connect the capabilities of community partners with those needs during all stages of a disaster event. The Montgomery County COAD provides opportunities for organizations to get involved and make the community and its members safer and more prepared for disasters of all kinds.

What is a COAD? 

COAD stands for “Community Organizations Active in Disaster”. A COAD is a local group of community organizations - nonprofits, service or civic groups, faith-based organizations, etc., that works in concert with partner government agencies, particularly the local emergency management  and social service departments, during all stages of a disaster to coordinate and enhance emergency human services. Their efforts can increase the response time and effectiveness of emergency assistance to meet the needs of disaster survivors quickly, reducing negative impacts to our community and helping us bounce back stronger than ever.

What does the Montgomery County COAD do?

The Montgomery County COAD is a collaborative partnership between community stakeholder groups that assists in organizing community response efforts to provide needed services to community members that arise as the result of a disaster that occurs in the County. The goal of the Montgomery County COAD is to organize and deploy community resources in an efficient and timely manner during each phase of a disaster.

Why get involved? 

As a community organization in Montgomery County, you can help prepare the community for disasters and provide much needed assistance to community members if an event occurs. Having a coalition of organizations as diverse as our community helps us better understand and meet everyone's needs. As a part of the COAD group, your organization and its members receive specialized training to better prepare you to respond collaboratively and effectively during a disaster.

With a strong and organized COAD, Montgomery County will have more resources to respond to a disaster or event that occurs in our community, adding to our community's preparedness and resiliency. 

How to get involved? 

The Montgomery County COAD is looking for any agency, nonprofit, business, civic group, faith-based organization, or any other community organization that is interested in providing assistance to the community during all phases of a disaster or event. 




Next Meeting

Next Quarterly COAD Meeting




For more information on this meeting, or if you would like to attend, please contact Sareem Streater.


 No upcoming trainings scheduled at this time.

For more information about COAD trainings, please contact Sareem Streater.