Montgomery County, Maryland
Local Emergency Planning Council (LEPC)

Image:  LEPC members from County departments and local businesses gathered for the April 2017 Meeting held at Emergenct BioSolutions in Gaithersburg. LEPC members gathered around a Hazardous Materials Decontamination demonstration LEPC Members gathers before the Hazardous Materials Decontamination engine



The July 2024 LEPC meeting was held Wednesday, July 17, 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM. as a hybrid meeting with AstraZeneca (AZ) hosting in-person attendees at their Gaithersburg Campus. Members of the LEPC heard about AstraZeneca’s Safety, Health, Environment, and Sustainability objectives from AZ’s Mike Cakouros. Members were informed on AZ’s Business Continuity and Crisis Management objectives and processes from AZ’s Nathan Schoenkin. They were also briefed on AZ’s Security and Emergency Response methods and policies from AZ’s Celso De Leon. Additionally, members heard from the LEPC Vice ChairBruce Donato, about upcoming initiatives to increase member engagement through training, exercises, and public outreach. Lastly, we introduced Montgomery County LEPC’s newest member, Nii Amahtey Sampah, Community Liaison for US Department of Transportation, Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA).

The next LEPC meeting is tentatively scheduled for Wednesday, October 16, 2024 as a hybrid meeting. If you have topics you'd like to suggest or are interested in hosting the next LEPC meeting, please contact LEPC Facilitator, Will Shepherd

LEPC Voting Members

This is the current list of NEW LEPC Voting Members. These appointments will be sent to the SERC for approval
  • LEPC Chair – Luke Hodgson
  • LEPC Vice Chair – Bruce Donato
  • LEPC Facilitator – Will Shepherd
  • Community Right-to-Know Coordinator – Barbara Moore
  • Police – Carl Holland
  • Fire – Battalion Chief Ivan Browning
  • EMS – Assistant Chief Dan Ogren
  • Fire Marshal – Rick Merck
  • Civil Defense – Michael Goldfarb
  • Public Health – Sean O’Donnell
  • Environmental Protection – Steve Martin
  • Transportation – Joe Pospisil
  • Hospitals – TBD
  • Regulated Facilities (up to 5)
    • Mike Cakouros
    • Christine McKendrew
    • Jeff Alderdice
    • Randy Norman
    • Robert Sullivan
  • Citizens At-Large (up to 3):
    • Jen Singer
    • Brandon Rytting
    • John Gustafson
  • Federal Facilities - Melanie Robinson
  • Broadcast and Print Media – VACANT
  • Community Groups – Hoan Dang

LEPC Vision Statement 

To help the Montgomery County Office of Emergency Management and Homeland Security (OEMHS) and Emergency Management Group (EMG) improve coordination with County agencies and partners, make resources available to keep the community safe from the effects of hazardous materials and other natural or manmade hazards, and facilitate emergency planning and preparedness, effective hazard mitigation and response to all emergencies.

LEPC Mission Statement

The Montgomery County, Maryland LEPC helps to promote public health and safety; supports preparedness of members of the public, government agencies, and industry; and provides local subject matter expertise to emergency planning and response agencies by serving as a venue for communication and consultation among a diversity of stakeholders.

About LEPC

The Montgomery County, MD Local Emergency Planning Council (LEPC) was established in 1987 in accordance with the EPA Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act (SARA) of 1986. The LEPC also has responsibilities under the state of Maryland in the Community Right to Know Regulation COMAR 26.26.01 and the Emergency Preparedness and Community Right to Know Act of 1986.

In 1991, the LEPC recommended the establishment of a local permitting regulation and ER 30-91AM (1991) revised in 1993 was drafted and approved by council to regulate the possession, transport, and storage of hazardous materials within the County.

The LEPC operates under bylaws adopted by the Montgomery County Council. Under the provisions of EPCRA, the LEPC shall develop a hazardous materials emergency response and preparedness plan for the planning district of Montgomery County, Maryland; establish procedures for conducting its public information and education responsibilities; receive and process requests for information from the public; notify the public and regulated businesses on all LEPC activities and meetings; make the Hazardous Materials Plan publicly available; receive reports and information as specified in EPCRA and in accordance with state and local hazardous materials reporting laws. 

With the information and reports received from facilities operating within the planning district, the LEPC will perform a hazard analysis, establish and maintain a database of hazardous materials locations and quantities in the planning district together with emergency planning and notification information, and establish and maintain a computer system for data management.  Information on all facilities with reportable quantities as well as Extremely Hazardous Substances (EHS) will be included in the emergency plan.  All LEPC meetings, except those specified by the Chairman and announced in advance, are open to the public. 

Next Meeting

Wednesday, Oct. 16, 2024
9:00 AM - 11:00 AM

All LEPC meetings are open to the public and are held once a quarter. Meetings are typically held in January, April, July, and October; always on the third Wednesday of the month.

Anyone interested in attending a meeting is asked to call 3-1-1 (or 240-777-0311 outside of Montgomery County) for information or send us an email .