Audio/Visual Equipment

The Circuit Court provides most courtroom audio/video equipment free of charge. The following is a list of items available in each Tower:

North Tower Courtrooms:

  • 42” LCD Display Monitor, with multiple inputs, i.e., HDMI and VGA
  • DVD/VHS player
  • Windows PC’s w/ DVD Drive and USB Ports
  • Document Camera (ELMO), LCD Projector, AV Screen, and cart

South Tower Courtrooms:

  • Attorney/Litigant table audio/video connectors (VGA standard, adapters available for newer connections) and display monitors
  • Document Camera
  • 55” LCD Display Monitor
  • DVD/Blu-Ray Player
  • Windows PC’s w/ DVD Drive and USB Ports
  • Witness display monitor with annotation capability
  • Jury box display monitors and audio speakers

South Tower Hearing Rooms:

  • 55” LCD Display Monitor
  • DVD/Blu-Ray
  • One audio/video connector available at clerk's desk

The audio-visual equipment above does not need to be requested in advance. Courthouse staff are familiar with how to operate the equipment. However, please allow time before your hearing, if possible, to make sure the equipment is properly set up for your needs.

Teleconferencing is available in all courtrooms and hearing rooms.

Videoconferencing is also available in all courtrooms and hearing rooms.


Requesting Additional Equipment in Support of ADA Accommodations

If you or your client has an ADA Accommodation for which additional equipment or services are required, such as Computer Assisted Real-Time Transcription, or CART (“real-time captioning"), submit a detailed Request for Accommodation for Person with Disability. The Request is available in both English and Spanish:

Please be specific about the accommodations you will need.

More information is available on the ADA Accommodation page.

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