Finance Department
Roles & Responsibilities
The functions of the Finance Office include the following general accounting, procurement, and administrative duties:
- Duties related to the verification and depositing daily to the state depository bank the revenues received from Civil, Criminal, Duplications, Family, License, Recording, and Reproduction Departments; and completing and transmitting the appropriate forms to record and distribute the revenues.
- Duties related to sending invoices to parties in a case.
- Duties related to expenditures, including purchasing, and distributing office supplies, furniture, and equipment; transmitting invoices for payment; maintaining office supplies, furniture, and equipment inventory records; and maintaining the records that track the actual expenditures incurred during the fiscal year.
- Duties related to preparing the budget for the Clerk of the Court and Land Records.
- Duties related to deposit and distributing funds designated by court order to be held in the Registry of the court; completing procedures for delinquent accounts; refunding bonds; distributing amounts collected for fines and bond forfeitures to appropriate entities; and maintaining the accounting records documenting the above.
- Duties related to the telecommunications system for the Clerk’s office.
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