2010 Zoning Text Amendments (ZTA’s) and Subdivision Regulation Amendments (SRA’s)

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ZTA/SRA No. Title Status
ZTA 10-15 Agricultural Zones - Airstrips Enacted - Ord. No. 17-03
ZTA 10-14 Rural Neighborhood Cluster/Transferable Development Rights (RNC/TDR) Zone Enacted - Ord. No. 17-02
ZTA 10-13 Hearing Examiner Waivers – Parking and Public Facilities Enacted - Ord. No. 17-01
ZTA 10-12 Rural Density Transfer (RDT) Zone - Child lot standards Enacted - Ord. No. 16-57
ZTA 10-11 Administrative and Technical Amendments Enacted - Ord. No. 16-55
ZTA 10-10 Transit Mixed-Use (TMX) Zone - Parking Standards Enacted - Ord. No. 16-56
ZTA 10-09 CBD Standards - Transient Lodging Enacted - Ord. No. 16-58
ZTA 10-08 AgriculturalZones - Pet Daycare Disapproved 10/5/2010
ZTA 10-07 RNC zones - Off-Street Parking Introduced
ZTA 10-06 Sloping Lots - Conditions Introduced
ZTA 10-05 Special Exceptions Procedures - Telecommunication Facilities Enacted - Ord. No. 16-53
ZTA 10-04 C-2 Zone - Automobile Filling Stations Introduced
ZTA 10-03 Exemptions - Legal Dwellings Enacted - Ord. No. 16-51
ZTA 10-02 Residental Townhouse Zones - Existing Dwellings Enacted - Ord. No. 16-52
ZTA 10-01 Workforce Housing - Voluntary Enacted - Ord. No. 16-46
SRA 10-03 Master Plan Conformance - Roadway Classifications Disapproved 11/23/2010
SRA 10-02 Minor Subdivisions - Applicability Enacted - Ord. No. 16-54
SRA 10-01 Public Utility Easements - Urban Roads Introduced
HPA 10-1 Historic Preservation Plan Amendments Enacted - Ord. No. 16-60