Welcome to the Blair Walk Project

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To see more about the Blair Walk Project's Spring 2012 Pedestrian Safety Education Campaign,  click here.   

If you are a Blair High School Student and would like to volunteer with this project, please contact Joana Conklin:  [email protected].  You will receive SSL hours for your participation!

There is no winner in a contest between a vehicle and a pedestrian. On average, about 100 pedestrians are killed each year in Maryland. It’s hard to fathom that  the cost to cross the street could be one’s life, but in 2011, 11 pedestrians were killed in Montgomery County.  The Four Corners area, where Blair High School is located, is one of the areas in the County with the highest incidence of pedestrian crashes, and more than a third of those involve pedestrians under the age of 20.


  • Pedestrian fatalities comprise about 20 percent of all traffic deaths in Maryland.
  • Nearly 3,000 pedestrians are injured annually in Maryland.  On average, 400 are struck by vehicles in Montgomery County.
  • Pedestrians 5-15 years of age are at the greatest risk for pedestrian injuries – over 30 percent of injured pedestrians are under the age of 15.
  • A pedestrian hit by a car traveling at 40 mph has an 85% chance of dying.  Would you want to take that chance?
  • A pedestrian hit by a car traveling at 20 mph has a 95% chance of surviving.  Want to see what we mean?   Click here.

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What Can You Do to Stay Safe?

Walk with  SWAG and avoid getting a $50 ticket (FAIL!)



* S ee them see you: make eye contact with drivers so you know they see you.*
* W ait for the walk: never begin crossing the street on solid or flashing “Don’t  Walk” signals.*
* A lways cross at crosswalks and intersections: don’t cross mid-block.*
* G o reflective, so drivers can see you! (especially at night and in bad weather)*




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 Here are a few other tips to remember when you're walking:

  • Stop and look left, right, left and over your shoulder for turning vehicles before crossing the street.  Remember, you have the right-of-way in a crosswalk, but still look out for cars as you cross!
  • Use sidewalks. If there are none, walk facing traffic so you see vehicles and drivers see you.

Driving is a privilege - so once you have your license, remember these key  tips for keeping pedestrians safe:

  • Stop for pedestrians at crosswalks and intersections – it’s the law!  A pedestrian is in the crosswalk when their foot is placed on the painted roadway.  If you don’t stop, you could get a $500 ticket!  EPIC FAIL!
  • If a car driving in front of you stops for a pedestrian in a crosswalk, you need to stop as well.
  • Crosswalks exist at all intersections, even if the crosswalk is unmarked.
  • Slow down, pay attention and obey the posted speed limit.
  • Always look out for pedestrians and cyclists, especially before turning at a green light or making a “right on red” or “left on green.”
  • Stay alert and slow down, particularly in residential areas, school zones and commercial areas. Young children are more vulnerable because they have not yet developed the ability to judge speed and distance, as shown in this video.
Be Safe.  Be Seen.
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Blair High School mascot

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