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Cable Office
In This Issue
chartsWe are proud to share another edition of our Office of Cable and Broadband Services e-report. This report highlights the 2012 4th Quarter Customer Service and Compliance Report.
If you have any questions about the statistics found within the report please contact Marjorie Williams, Franchise Manager, at  [email protected].  
96% Satisfied
Residents Satisfied with Cable Office
The Office of Cable and Broadband Services reports a 96% satisfaction rating among residents who came to us for assistance. Although the overall satisfaction rate with the resolution of complaints by cable providers was 86%, the overwhelming majority of residents are happy with complaint resolution service provided by the county. 
Complaint Resolution 100%  
Complaint Resolution Rate Remains Strong

The Office of Cable and Broadband Services was able to obtain resolution of 100% of cable and broadband complaints filed by consumers.  On average, complaints were able to be resolved in fewer than 5 days.  The results for the 4th quarter were similar to the result for 2012 as a whole.  In the year ahead, our office will work to make consumers more aware of the cable complaint resolution services provided by the County.

$14,000 in Refunds
Close to $14,000 in Refunds in the 4th Qtr
The work of the Office of Cable and Broadband Services resulted in residents of Montgomery County receiving almost $14,000 in refunds during the last quarter of 2012. This is an average refund of $261.77 per complaint resolved. The amounts registered during this time period contribute to a total of $54,163 earned for residents in calendar year 2012.
3,255 Sites Inspected
Inspectors Have Busy Year
Our team executed an impressive 3,255 inspections during calendar year 2012. This includes on-site inspections to both construction sites and residents' homes. The vast majority of inspections, 80%, focused on construction areas, including work related to implementation of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act broadband grant to expand FiberNet.