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1st Quarter
If you have any questions about the statistics found within the report please contact Marjorie Williams, Franchise Manager, at [email protected].  
In This Issue
Billing Concerns
Full Report
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Residents Satisfied with Cable Office

We are proud to share another edition of our Office of Cable and Broadband Services e-report. This report highlights the 2013 1st Quarter Customer Service and Compliance Report.
One of the areas in which our staff consistently excels is resident satisfaction. We boast a 96% satisfaction rating among residents who came to us for assistance. 

The overall satisfaction rate of the resolution efforts of the cable providers was 82%. Consumers still report lower satisfaction rates with how long it takes the cable operator to resolve a complaint because they often did not contact the Cable & Broadband Office for many weeks before filing a complaint. Our office has launched an enhanced consumer education outreach campaign to make residents more aware of the cable complaint resolution services offered by the County.
Complaint Resolution
Billing concerns rank number one among reasons that residents file a complaint with the Office of Cable and Broadband Services. Construction, cable line and inspection related subjects listed as the next highest frequency from citizen complaints registered.
As part of our Office's consumer education outreach campaign, we are providing more information for residents about how to avoid billing issues and tips to successfully resolve billing complaints 
Ensuring Proper Implementation

American Reinvestment and Recovery ActOver the first quarter of 2013,  the Office of Cable and Broadband Services' inspectors have been inspecting newly built American Reinvestment Recovery Act grant funded construction to expand FiberNet to schools and Housing Opportunity Commission Properties. The work of Montgomery County's cable inspectors will ensure that safety codes and good construction practices are met.
Money Negotiated for Residents 
The work of the Office of Cable and Broadband Services resulted in residents of Montgomery County receiving a more than $13,000 in refunds during the first quarter of 2013. This is an average refund of $149.43 per complaint resolved.   
Cable Office's Williams & Herrera
Appointed to Second Term with FCC 

Mitsuko Herrera, Montgomery County's Cable Administrator, was reappointed to the FCC's Consumer Advisory Committee. In this capacity Ms. Herrera will continue to address issues important to Montgomery County's cable and broadband subscribers. Marjorie Williams, Franchise Manager, was reappointed to serve as her alternate.
Cable Office PSA Marks
Beginning of Campaign 
Cable Office PSA 
This Public Service Announcement's (PSA) creation signals the beginning of a broader campaign to raise awareness of the Office of Cable and Broadband Services. The PSA will appear in future episodes of Consumer Compass and other select local programming.