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May 30, 2013 - In This Issue:
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Resident First Programming
County Cable Montgomery (CCM) programming is produced by a skilled team of professionals that work to ensure high levels of both information and production values in service to our residents. Listed below are some of our recent episodes of County Cable Montgomery programs. Click the images or links below to view each program episode or click the link below to visit the CCM website.
Council In Brief FY14 Budget Council In Brief - Budget Special
Click image to watch the video.

This week, the Council unanimously approved the FY14 Operating Budget. We'll tell you what's in it for county residents, and why Councilmembers are calling it a balanced, modest budget.
County Report This Week Episode 162 May 24, 2013 County Report This Week - #162
Click image to watch the video.

In this week's episode hosted by Susan Kenedy, we'll get an update on the redevelopment program for Wheaton; good news for the county's Safe Speed Program; Senator Ben Cardin visits Rockville, and some third grade students who could be opera stars. These stories plus reports from Montgomery County Police, MCTV, Takoma Park and more on County Report This Week. 
Paths to the Present #77
Paths to the Present #77
Click image to watch the video.

Heritage Days is the last weekend in June. It's a 2-day event offers visitors the chance to sample the local history and culture of Montgomery County. This episode previews that event with a look at previous festivals, focusing on African American historical sites


Consumer CompassConsumer Compass 18
Click image to watch the video.

Join the Office of Consumer Protection as it celebrates Consumer Protection week. Then, find out about new neurological research involving seniors and scams... and meet a victim of a foreign lottery scam.

Cable Office PSA
Office of Cable & Broadband Services Public Service Announcement
Click image to watch the video.

This Public Service Announcement's (PSA) creation signals the beginning of a broader campaign to raise awareness of the Office of Cable and Broadband Services. The PSA will appear in future episodes of Consumer Compass and other select local programming. 
Donna Keating
Executive Producer
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Montgomery County Office of Cable and Broadband Services | 100 Maryland Av., Suite #250 | Rockville | MD | 20850