One-Day and Festival Licenses
Any nonprofit club, society, or association holding a bona fide event may apply for a Class C One-Day Special License to serve or sell alcoholic beverages.
When is a One-Day License Required?
A One-Day license is required if any of the following circumstances apply to your event:
- The event is open to the public. There is no private guest list or anyone can walk in uninvited.
- There is a fee associated with the event. There is a ticket price, a cash bar, donation for attendance or door charge.
- There are other fundraising activities being held at the event, such as a silent auction or a "Basket of Cheer" consisting of certain alcoholic beverages.
Application Fees - $30 per day for beer and wine, and $60 per day for beer, wine and liquor.
Application Deadline - At least 14 days prior to the event.
Questions? Call 240-777-1999.
Class C One-Day Special License Application
Rules & Regulations for Class C One-Day Special Licenses
Beer, Wine and Liquor Festival License
A nonprofit festival organization contracting with the holder of a retail license (vendor) may apply for Festival License to serve or sell alcoholic beverages at their event.
The Board may issue the license to a holder of a retail license issued in the county, a Class 5 brewery license, a Class 6 pub-brewery license, a Class 7 micro-brewery license, a State Class 8 farm brewery license, a Class 3 winery license, a Class 4 limited winery license, a Class 1 distillery license, or a Class 9 limited distillery.
Application Fees - $30 per day of the festival for applicants and vendors.
Application Deadline - At least 14 days prior to the event.
Beer, Wine and Liquor Festival License Application
Apply Online New
Rules & Regulations for Beer, Wine and Liquor Festival Licenses
State legislation allows a Maryland State Winery to sell product at a Montgomery County Farmers Market 32 times per year.
The wineries are licensed by the State Comptroller’s Office.
Please note a representative from the winery must be trained in a state approved server training program.
State Approved Server Training programs
- You are required to notify the local licensing board of the jurisdiction in which the Farmer's Market will be held that the Farmer's Market Permit has been issued.
- Only one permit may be issued at any one time to a farmer's market.
Submit application to address below.
Maryland Comptroller's Office
Revenue Administration Division
P.O. Box 2999
Annapolis, MD 21404
- Host Responsibility
- Host Responsibility for Under 21 Events
What License Do I Need?
Security Plans
- A security plan is required for all outdoor events and any other event expecting 300 or more attendees.
The security plan should include food menu and security patrol/officers if necessary. - Sample Security Plan
- All events are required to have an alcohol service plan that includes policies relating to under-21 alcohol use prevention and responsbile sales.
List of Other Event Permits