One-Day and Festival Licenses

Any nonprofit club, society, or association holding a bona fide event may apply for a Class C One-Day Special License to serve or sell alcoholic beverages.

When is a One-Day License Required?

A One-Day license is required if any of the following circumstances apply to your event:

  • The event is open to the public. There is no private guest list or anyone can walk in uninvited.
  • There is a fee associated with the event. There is a ticket price, a cash bar, donation for attendance or door charge.
  • There are other fundraising activities being held at the event, such as a silent auction or a "Basket of Cheer" consisting of certain alcoholic beverages.

Application Fees - $30 per day for beer and wine, and $60 per day for beer, wine and liquor.

Application Deadline - At least 14 days prior to the event

Questions? Call 240-777-1999.

Class C One-Day Special License Application 

Apply Online New

Rules & Regulations for Class C One-Day Special Licenses

Beer, Wine and Liquor Festival License

A nonprofit festival organization contracting with the holder of a retail license (vendor) may apply for Festival License to serve or sell alcoholic beverages at their event.

The Board may issue the license to a holder of a retail license issued in the county, a Class 5 brewery license, a Class 6 pub-brewery license, a Class 7 micro-brewery license, a State Class 8 farm brewery license, a Class 3 winery license, a Class 4 limited winery license, a Class 1 distillery license, or a Class 9 limited distillery.

Application Fees - $30 per day of the festival for applicants and vendors.

Application Deadline - At least 14 days prior to the event.


Beer, Wine and Liquor Festival License Application 

Apply Online New


Rules & Regulations for Beer, Wine and Liquor Festival Licenses 


State legislation allows a Maryland State Winery to sell product at a Montgomery County Farmers Market 32 times per year.
The wineries are licensed by the State Comptroller’s Office.

Please note a representative from the winery must be trained in a state approved server training program.
State Approved Server Training programs

In addition...
  1. You are required to notify the local licensing board of the jurisdiction in which the Farmer's Market will be held that the Farmer's Market Permit has been issued.
  2. Only one permit may be issued at any one time to a farmer's market.
Agricultural Farmers Markets Legislation

Submit application to address below.

Maryland Comptroller's Office
Revenue Administration Division
P.O. Box 2999
Annapolis, MD 21404

Best Practices and Policies

What License Do I Need?

Security Plans

  • A security plan is required for all outdoor events and any other event expecting 300 or more attendees.
    The security plan should include food menu and security patrol/officers if necessary.
  • Sample Security Plan
Alcohol Plan
  • All events are required to have an alcohol service plan that includes policies relating to under-21 alcohol use prevention and responsbile sales.

List of Other Event Permits