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Public Participation Procedures
Board Meeting - Public Comment Procedures
- Speakers must sign up in advance by using the
Board Meeting Public Participation Sign-Up Form
or calling 240-777-8549.
- Each speaker will be given 3 minutes. This applies to elected officials, government and organization representatives as well as individuals. Speakers will not be allowed to cede time to another speaker.
- Speaker must provide a copy of their statement to be attached to the public record.
- When addressing the Board, the speaker must state and spell their name clearly for the record.
- Questions regarding board meetings, call Lisa Merino-Dean at 240-777-8549.
Public Hearing - Public Comment Procedures
- Speakers must sign up in advance by using the
Board Meeting Public Participation Sign-Up Form
or calling 240-777-8549
- Persons who have not signed up in advance may be heard at the end of the hearing at the discretion of the presiding officer.
- Public hearing sign-up begins on the date that the notice is posted to the website.
- Each speaker will be given 3 minutes. This applies to elected officials, government and organization representatives as well as individuals. Speakers will not be allowed to cede time to another speaker.
- Speaker must provide a copy of their statement to be attached to the public record in advance. Statement can be submitted via email to
[email protected]
- Staff is directed to assure that the Board hears all points of view.