Election Worker Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)
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An election worker is a registered Maryland voter who volunteers to assist voters on Election Day. For a more detailed description please see Program Overview .
You must:
- Be a U.S. citizen and a registered voter in Maryland;
- Be at least 16 years of age or older (parental permission is required for 16- or 17-year-olds) if needed, complete the Permission Slip , and return with your application;
- Be able to clearly and fluently speak, read and legibly write the English language;
- Not serve as a campaign manager for a candidate or as the treasurer for a campaign finance entity. Under Maryland law, an Election Worker may not hold or be a candidate for any elective public or political party office or any office created under the Constitution or Laws of the State and;
- Not be legally prohibited from entering onto the property of a school or being near children.
For a full list of Program qualifications, please see Program Overview .
Usted debe:
- Ser ciudadano estadounidense y votante registrado en Maryland;
- Tener al menos 16 años de edad o más (se requiere permiso de los padres para los de 16 o 17 años) si es necesario, completar la hoja de permiso y devolverla con su solicitud;
- Ser capaz de hablar, leer y escribir de manera legible y clara el idioma inglés;
- No desempeñarse como director de campaña de un candidato ni como tesorero de una entidad financiera de campaña. Según la ley de Maryland, un trabajador electoral no puede ocupar ni ser candidato para ningún cargo público electivo o de partido político ni para ningún cargo creado en virtud de la Constitución o las leyes del estado y;
- No tener prohibido legalmente el ingreso a la propiedad de una escuela o estar cerca de niños
Para obtener una lista completa de las calificaciones del programa, consulte descripción general del programa.
The time commitment varies by position and responsibilities.
For a full description of election worker position hours, please see Position Descriptions/Payment.
For a full description of election worker position hours, please see Position Descriptions/Payment.
The responsibilities of an Election Worker vary by position, but all election workers are responsible to uphold the integrity of elections in accordance with Federal and State laws. For a full description of position responsibilities, please see Position Descriptions/Paymen t.
Election Workers are required to complete training prior to their service. The election training is administered through online modules and in-person sessions. The online training is self-paced and must be completed prior to attending an in-person session. In-Person training sessions are position specific and are two to four hours long depending on the position.
For a full description of election training, please see Program Overview .
For a full description of election training, please see Program Overview .
Yes. To receive the service stipend, you must successfully complete all required training, and fulfill all election duties to which you are assigned. For a description of the service stipend, please see Position Descriptions/Payment.
* Election Workers who previously served as an Election Judge will receive a $100.00 bonus for each Election Day and/or each Early Voting Day served during the 2024 elections
If you have been an Election Worker before you do not need to complete a new application however, for each election cycle (approximately every two years) you will be required to renew your application. You must use EJ Connection to renew your application. If you have a question regarding your application status please contact the recruitment office at 240-777-8533
EJ Connection is an election worker portal that provides election workers the ability to update personal information to their election worker record, prepare for and take the On-Line Quiz, review the Training Schedule and/or schedule training, and access several election resources. All election workers are required to have an account and each worker must have a unique email address to access their record. For additional information, access the EJ Connection web page.