High School Election Worker Program

The Montgomery County Board of Elections High School Election Worker Program provides students with an exciting opportunity to serve as election workers and/or election judge.

As an election Judge, depending on the number of days served, you will earn up to a minimum $250 stipend per full day or Student Service-Learning hours. Individuals who served in the previous election cycle will receive a $100 bonus per full day served ($50 for part-day shifts), along with a great hands-on introduction to the democratic process.

Benefits of Being a Student Election Worker

  • Earn up to 25 Student Service Learning (SSL) hours per day of service
  • Hands-on introduction to the democratic process
  • Looks great on college/scholarship applications and resumes
  • Earn up to a minimum $250 stipend per full day.
  • Earn up to $50 for completing training


Interested students must meet the following requirements to participate as a student election worker/judge:

  • Must be at least 16 years of age by the time of registration
  • U.S. Citizen
  • Registered to vote in Maryland
  • Must have parental consent for workers under 18 years old 

Apply to be a Student Election Worker

  1. Students already registered to vote in Maryland, must submit an application online.
  2. Students  NOT registered to vote in Maryland, download, complete and mail the following three forms. PLEASE PRINT NEATLY!

Mailing Address:

Montgomery County Board of Elections
Election Worker Program
18753 N. Frederick Avenue, Suite 210
Gaithersburg, MD 20879

Election Worker / Judge Responsibilities after Submitting Forms or Applying Online

Once the application has been processed, your Recruiter will send you important instructions. You must complete the following steps before being assigned to serve during Early Voting or on Election Day.

  • Step I: Take online Quiz after reviewing materials sent by the Montgomery County Board of Elections
  • Step II: Attend In-person training

Stipend Vs. Student Service Learning (SSL) Hours

For your service, you may either earn a stipend (payment) or Student Service-Learning Hours (SSL). Your social security number must be submitted to receive stipend (payment). This can be provided once application has been processed and submitted in EJ Connection.  If you wish to receive SSL hours for your service, you do not need to provide your Social Security Number. SSL hours and applicable form will be emailed within six weeks after the election. The SSL form must be submitted to the corresponding MCPS SSL Coordinator ( MCPS list) or staff.

Election Worker Contact Information

General Information: 240-777-8533
Email: mail to: [email protected]
Fax: 240-777-8578