Use this page as a starting point and supplement for your legal research. It does not contain legal advice or referrals and is not intended to be an exhaustive legal research resource. More online resources may be found on the Legal Links page.
Getting Started: Understanding the Courts
Montgomery County has two District Court locations (Rockville and Silver Spring) and one Circuit Court.
The following resources will help you better understand how to start a case in Maryland:
- Evaluate My Situation (People’s Law Library of Maryland)
- Watch the Maryland Judiciary's "What is the Law?" video
- How Do I
This webpage provides information to help you resolve your conflict, focusing on the legal process and alternatives to going to court
- People's Law Library of Maryland Frequently Asked Questions About "Service of Process"

Understanding District Court Cases
The District Court of Maryland is the lowest trial court. Note that the District Court does not conduct jury trials. District Court Cases include the following:.
- Small claims (can range from $5,000-$30,000)
- Domestic violence/peace orders
- Landlord-tenant disputes
- Return of property
- Some criminal cases
Understanding Circuit Court Cases
The Circuit Court is the highest trial court and handles the following types of cases:
Civil and Family Cases
Civil cases involve a disagreement between two private parties, which can be persons or companies. One party brings a lawsuit against the other party. Civil cases in the Circuit Court include:
- Jury trials
- Family cases such as adoption, change of name, divorce, guardianship, psychological evaluation, domestic violence, etc. – Information on how COVID-19 is affecting Family Cases can be found here:
- https://www.montgomerycountymd.gov/cct/departments /family-division-services.html
- https://www.montgomerycountymd.gov/cct/family-law-self-help-center.html
- Family Department: 240-777-9426
- Family Division Services/Family Law Self-Help Center: 240-777-9079
- Larger claims ($5,000 or more)
- Cases appealed up from the District Court, Orphans’ Court, and some administrative agencies
Understanding Guardianship Cases
Criminal Cases
Criminal Cases involve breaking the law. A Maryland criminal case starts with an accusation that the defendant broke the law. The State of Maryland is the party that prosecutes criminal charges in court. Traffic cases are also considered criminal cases.
Understanding Appellate Court Cases
The Court of Special Appeals is Maryland’s intermediate appellate court that reviews judgments of the Circuit and Orphans’ Courts.
The Court of Appeals is the highest court in Maryland. It reviews selected cases on points of law, legislative redistricting, and removal of certain state officials.
Both courts are in Annapolis, Maryland.
Download the Maryland Court of Special Appeals Guide for Self-Representation (PDF)
Hiring a Lawyer/Finding Legal Help
NOTE: the Law Library can only offer legal research assistance, not legal advice and referrals.
Find Low-cost/Free Legal Help
To find low-cost and/or free legal help, the Maryland Judiciary and various local organizations offer services that range in scope from legal advice to legal representation.
- Montgomery County Bar Assistance Network – Talk to an attorney about your civil or family law legal issue
- Call 410-260-1392 or chat from 8:30am to 8:00pm Monday through Friday
- Montgomery County Bar Legal Services – Search for local legal aid providers by type of law
- People’s Law Library of Maryland Legal Services Directory – Search a listing of free and low-cost legal service providers in Maryland.
- Family law-specific legal help:
- Family Law Self-Help Center – Montgomery County Circuit Court – Note service restrictions due to COVID-19
- Family Law Hotline – Women’s Law Center of Maryland –Talk briefly with a lawyer for free and receive basic information to help you understand your rights and legal options on a range of Maryland family law topics, from divorce to guardianship.
Hire A Lawyer
- Local and state-wide lawyer directories
- Contact the Law Library at [email protected] or 240-777-9120 to access these resources
- Montgomery County Bar Association Lawyer Referral Service
- Monday-Friday, 9:00am - 1:00pm, phone 301-279-9100
- For After Hour Referrals, please use their online referral link
How to Work with A Lawyer
The following pages explain the process of working with a lawyer:
- How do I find a lawyer? – Montgomery County Circuit Court
- Getting Legal Help in Maryland: What is it, and what does it cost? – People’s Law Library of Maryland
- Hiring and Working with your Lawyer – (video) Maryland Judiciary
- Learn more about the steps involved in finding a lawyer, working with a lawyer, fees, and agreements.
Non-English Help
There are several online resources for non-English speakers:
- Maryland Judiciary web pages and forms in Spanish, French, Russian, Korean, & Chinese
- Download the Maryland Legal Aid Spanish Brochure (PDF)
Topical Legal Issues
Apostille Process - Standard Certification of Documents for International Use Guide
Download the Law Library Guide to the Apostille Process (PDF)
Civil Rights
The Montgomery County Office of Human Rights investigates incidents of hate/violence and complaints of discrimination.
Address: 21 Maryland Avenue, Suite 330, Rockville, MD 20850Phone: 240-777-8450
Email: [email protected]
People's Law Library of Maryland - Civil Rights Articles
Consumer Rights
The Montgomery County Office of Consumer Protection investigates and resolves consumer complaints, engages in consumer education and outreach, licenses certain businesses, and administers several programs.
Address: 100 Maryland Ave, Suite 330, Rockville, MD 20850Main phone: 240-777-3636
Anonymous tip line: 240-777-3681
The Maryland Attorney General's Office, Consumer Protection Division provides mediation services to consumers to help resolve complaints against businesses and health insurance carriers. The Division also provides information about complaints that have been filed against businesses, information regarding new home builder or health club registration, and publications to help consumers make good decisions in the marketplace.
People's Law Library of Maryland - Consumer Law Information
Health Law
The Maryland Attorney General's Office, Consumer Protection Division, Health Education and Advocacy Unit offers mediation services to consumers who have a billing dispute with their healthcare provider or a coverage dispute with their HMO or health insurance company.
Immigration and Undocumented Persons
Download the Law Library Guide for Legal Immigration Resources (PDF)
People’s Law Library of Maryland - Immigration Law
Internet Privacy and Security
Keeping Your Personal Information Private
The Maryland Attorney General’s Office, Consumer Protection Division provides resources for making complaints and learning about Internet security issues.
Landlord/Tenant Matters
Landlord/tenant cases typically start in District Court:
- 191 East Jefferson St., Rockville, MD 20850, Phone: 301-563-8800
- 8552 Second Avenue, Silver Spring, MD 20910, Phone: 301-563-8500
The Montgomery County Office of Landlord-Tenant Affairs provides landlord/tenant legal information on such topics as security deposits, eviction, rent increases, beginning/ending a tenancy, complaints, forms, wear and tear, etc.
The Montgomery County Landlord-Tenant Handbook outlines landlord and tenant rights and responsibilities. Translated versions include Chinese, French, Korean, Spanish, and Vietnamese.
People's Law Library of Maryland - Landlord/Tenant Articles
Military Service Verification
Access the Service Members Civil Relief Act (SCRA) Military Service Verification website to check to see if someone is serving in the military. Name and social security number or birthdate needed.
Name Change and Related Topics
- Name Change – Maryland Courts
- Name Change Articles – People’s Law Library of Maryland
- Birth Certificates Articles – People’s Law Library of Maryland
- Judicial Declarations of Gender Identity—Maryland Courts
Services for Seniors and Elder Law
- Senior Legal Assistance - Maryland Department of Aging
- Programs and Services - Maryland Department of Aging
- Abuse and Neglect of Elderly and Vulnerable Adults - People's Law Library of Maryland
- Assisted Living Articles - People's Law Library of Maryland
Wills, Estate Law, Health Directives, and Power of Attorney
Research Maryland Code, Estates and Trusts Article, §17–203 for information about Limited Power of Attorney
The Register of Wills in Montgomery County appoints personal representatives to administer decedents’ estates and oversees the proper and timely administration of these proceedings. The office also assists and advises the public in the preparation of all required forms; maintains and preserves the permanent record of all proceedings; serves as the Clerk to the Orphans’ Court; tracks estates and refers delinquent matters to the Court; determines and collects inheritance taxes and probate fees/court costs; audits accounts of personal representatives and guardians; mails various notices and court orders to interested persons; and verifies compliance with court orders.
Address: 50 Maryland Avenue, North Tower 3rd Floor, Room 3220, Rockville, MD 20850
Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:30am - 4:30pm
Phone: 240-777-9600
People's Law Library of Maryland - General Wills/Estates/Probate Articles
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