Position Descriptions and Payments
* * Select the position to view the job description

* Election Workers who previously served as an Election Judge will receive a $100 bonus for each full Election Day and/or each full Early Voting Day served during the 2024 elections.  ($50 is the bonus for half day shifts.)

Election Day Positions

Position (Code) Position Description Summary Service Hours/Special Requirements Service
Total SSL
Chief (CHF) * Chief (CHF) Election Workers serve as the polling place supervisors. Each polling place is staffed with two Chief’s of different party affiliations. 6:00 am to about 11:00 pm, requires prior experience as an election worker, a car and cell phone. Minimum age - 18 years $320 $70  $390 30
Closing (CLS) * Closing (CLS) Election Workers assist the Chiefs with closing down the voting equipment. Once the polling place is closed, two Closers (of different party affiliations) ride together to deliver the critical materials to the Board of Elections. 6:30 pm to about 11:30 pm, requires a car and cell phone.
Minimum age - 18 years
$135 $50 $185 12
Voting Operations *
includes bilingual
(VOP and SPN (Spanish))
Voting Operations (VOP and SPN) Election Workers are trained to carry out the duties associated with each functional area in the polling place. One VOP bilingual in Spanish is required per polling place. Workers bilingual in other languages (Chinese, French, Korean, Spanish and Vietnamese) may also be assigned, based on the specific needs of the polling place. 6:00 am to about 11:00 pm $250 $50 $300 25
Voting Operations *
Part-time shifts
(VOP-A or VOP-B)
Voting Operations (VOP-A or VOP-B) Part-time Election Workers are trained to carry out the duties associated with each functional area in the polling place.  *Limited part-time positions available. VOP-A - 6:00 am - 3:00 pm or
VOP-B - 2:00 pm - 11:00 pm
$125/shift $50 $175 16
Voting Operations  Driver *
Voting Operations - Driver (VOP-D) Election Workers are trained to carry out the duties associated with each functional area in the polling place. When the polls are officially closed, the VOP-D will at the direction of the Chiefs transport critical materials to the assigned Regional Upload site. Each polling place is staffed with  one  VOP-D. 6:00 am to about 9:30 pm, requires a car and cell phone.
Minimum age - 18 years
$250 $50 $300 25
Voting Operations - Provisional (VOP-P * Voting Operations – Provisional (VOP-P) Election Workers are primarily responsible for processing provisional voters and does not rotate to work any other station.

6:00 am to about 11:00 pm.  Minimum age - 18 years

$250 $50 $300 25
Same Day Registration  (SDR)  * Same Day Registration (SDR) Election Workers are responsible for registering and processing new voters.  Located at or near the check-in station, the SDR may assist with checking in regular voters, and does not rotate to work any other station. 6:00 am to about 11:00 pm. Minimum age - 18 years $250 $50 $300 25
Runner Part-time shifts
(RNR-A or RNR-B)^
Election Day Runners (RNR-A or RNR-B) provide logistic support to polling place requesting supplies and equipment from the Board of Elections. Individuals selected for these positions will be dispatched by Board of Elections' personnel to multiple polling places throughout their shift. RNR-A  5:00 am - 12:00 pm or 
RNR-B  12:00 pm - 7:00 pm 
requires a car to drive throughout the county and a cell phone.  Minimum age 18 years
$135/shift N/A $135 7
Regional Site  Technician (RST) ^ Regional Site Runners (RST) work election night at one of several drop-off locations throughout the county to assist Board of Elections' staff with the prompt and accurate receipt of polling place materials election night. 7:30 pm to about 11:00 pm $85 $50 $135 10
Election Night Support (ENS) ^ Election Night Support (ENS) workers are needed election night to assist with the intake of election materials and voting equipment from the polling places. Workers are needed to perform a variety of tasks including traffic control, unloading vehicles, receiving, and sorting materials, inventory verification and reconciliation. 8:00 pm to about 2:00 am $135 N/A $135 6
Roamer (RMR)^ * Roamers (RMR) are assigned to provide place support. These highly experienced individuals are responsible for resolving technical problems or procedural issues that may arise. Each Roamer supports four to six polling places on an assigned route. They must have a thorough working knowledge of election procedures to serve as a resource for Chief’s and voters. 5:00 am to about 11:00 pm, requires prior experience as a Chief, a car and cell phone. Minimum age - 18 years $370 $70 $440 N/A
Early Voting Closer  (EVCLS )^ On Election Day, Early Voting Closers assist in shutting down the Early Voting equipment at the Board of Election main offices.  9:30 am - 2:00 pm $135 $50
(unless already trained)
$135 N/A
Standby (STBY)^ * Standby (STBY) workers, if selected, will serve as on-call workers. Varies by position filled * $50 * *

* If assigned to work will receive pay amount for the position filled.

(^) Position is not required to attend the pre-election meeting at the polling place.

Early Voting Positions

Position (Code) Position Description Summary Service Hours/Special Requirements Service Pay Training Pay Total SSL Hours
Early Voting  Chief (EVCHF) * Two Early Voting Chief’s (EVCHF) are assigned per day to each early voting center.  Working under the direction and supervision of the Center Manager they are responsible for managing the other Election Workers, assisting voters, and completing the forms and documents. 6:00 am to about 11:00 pm
Minimum age - 18 years
$320 N/A $320 30
Early Voting Operations Includes bilingual *
(EVVOP) and
(EVSPN (Spanish))
Early Voting, Voting Operations (EVVOP and EVSPN) are trained to carry out the duties associated with each functional area in the early voting center.  One EVVOP bilingual in Spanish is required per center.  Workers bilingual in other languages (Chinese, French, Korean, Spanish and Vietnamese) may also be assigned, based on the specific needs of the center. 6:00 am to about 11:00 pm $250 N/A $250 25
Early Voting Voting Operations
Early Voting, Voting Operations - Provisional (EVVOP-P) is responsible for processing provisional voters and does not rotate to any other workstation. 6:00 am to about 11:00 pm
Minimum age - 18 years
$250 N/A $250 25
Early Voting Same Day Registration * (EVSDR) Early Voting, Same Day Registration (EVSDR) are responsible for registering and processing new voters.  Located at or near the check-in station, the SDR may assist with checking in regular voters, and does not rotate to any other workstation. 6:00 am to about 11:00 pm
Minimum age - 18 years
$250 N/A $250 25
Early Voting Voting Operations Part-time Shift *
Early Voting, Voting Operations – A (EVVOP-A or EVVOP-B) are trained to carry out the duties associated with each functional area in the early voting center.  EVVOP-A  6:00 am - 3:00 pm or
EVVOP-B 2:00 pm - 11:00 pm
$125/shift N/A $125 16
Early Voting Runner  (EVRNR) Early Voting Runner (EVRNR) will be providing support to the Early Voting centers by transporting critical materials twice a day of early voting. 7:30 am to about 6 pm , requires a car, cell phone and background check
Minimum age — 18 yrs
$200/shift N/A $200/shift 5
Standby (EVSTBY) * Standby (EVSTBY) workers, if selected, will serve as on-call workers. Varies by position filled * $50 * *

* If assigned to work will receive pay amount for the position filled.

Canvass and Nursing Home Program Positions

Position (Code) Position Description Summary Service Hours/Special Requirements Service Pay Training Pay Total SSL Hours
Canvass Full Day Verify Mail-in ballot envelopes meet all the legal requirements; open  the Mail-in ballot envelopes and review the ballots to ensure the ballots are able to be counted/tallied. 10:00 am to 6:00 pm
Minimum age - 18 years
$175 $20 $195 8
Canvass Part-Day
(morning & afternoon shifts)
Verify Mail-in ballot envelopes meet all the legal requirements; open  the Mail-in ballot envelopes and review the ballots to ensure the ballots are  able to be counted/tallied. 10:00 am to 2:00 pm - morning shift
2:00 pm to 6:00 pm - afternoon shift

Minimum age - 18 years
$87.50 $20 $107.50 4
Nursing Home Program - Full Day Assist voters with Voter Registration and the Mail-in ballot process at various senior living locations. 8 hour shift times vary $130/shift $30 $160 8
Nursing Home Program - Part Day Assist voters with Voter Registration and the Mail-in ballot process at various senior living locations. 4 hour shift, times vary $65/shift $30 $95 4

Drop Box Attendant Position

Position (Code) Position Description Summary Service Hours/Special Requirements Service Pay Training Pay Total SSL Hours
Drop Box Attendant Drop Box Attendants are tasked with picking up voted ballots from drop boxes located throughout Montgomery County beginning six weeks prior to the election.  Shift #1: 9:30 am to about 1:00 pm-Daily for 6 weeks
(shift #1 begins 6 weeks prior to Election Day)
Shift # 2: 4:00 pm to about 7:30 pm-Daily for one week
(Shift #2 begins one week prior to Election Day)

Requires a car, cell phone and successful completion of a background check
Minimum age — 16 yrs
$100 (non-driver)
$120 (driver)
$30 $130 4

Greeter Positions

Position (Code) Position Description Summary Service Hours/Special Requirements Service Pay Training Pay Total SSL Hours
Greeter (GRT) Greeter (GRT) Election Workers are stationed at the main entrance of the polling place and direct voters to the correct polling room in the building and provide other relevant information.
Note: There is a limited number of positions available.
6:00 am to 9:00 pm $250 $50 $300 25
Greeter (GRT)
Greeter (GRT) Election Workers are stationed at the main entrance of the polling place and direct voters to the correct polling room in the building and provide other relevant information.
Note: There is a limited number of positions available.
6:00 am to 2:00 pm 125 $50 $175 12
Greeter (GRT)
Greeter (GRT) Election Workers are stationed at the main entrance of the polling place and direct voters to the correct polling room in the building and provide other relevant information.
Note: There is a limited number of positions available
1:00 pm to 9:00 pm $125 $50 $175 12
Payment Information
Service stipend (payment) is made by check six weeks after each election. Students may elect to receive SSL (Student Service Learning) credits in lieu of payment. To receive payment workers must provide their social security number prior to working the election. Note that the stipend is considered income for tax purposes. Workers earning less than $600 will not have taxes withheld or receive a W-2 at the end of the calendar year. Those earning $600 or more will receive a W-2 showing their payment as taxable income and Social Security and Medicare taxes may be withheld. Workers who earn $2000 or more will receive a W-2 showing their payment as taxable income and Social Security and Medicare taxes will be withheld.  The W-2 forms will be mailed to the address of record in January of the following year. 

Administrative Leave for State of Maryland and Montgomery County employees
The State of Maryland and Montgomery County employees may be eligible to receive administrative leave for working on Election Day, with supervisory approval.

County employees may not use administrative leave to attend training or to work early voting. Employees must complete training on their own time. County employees who elect to use up to eight (8) hours of Administrative Leave to be excused from their normal work shift on Election Day, are entitled to the service stipend and full payment of the training stipend. Employees using their own leave (Annual, compensatory, PTO, or Comp Leave) will receive the full stipend (service and training). Documentation of service is required for State of Maryland employees.

State Employee Election Judge Service Form