2003 Bills
Bill | Title | Status |
41-03 | Health and Human Services Department - Non-Merit Positions | Enacted |
40-03 | Recordation Tax - Use of Funds - Effective Date | Enacted |
39-03 | Contracts and Procurement - Energy Exemption | Enacted |
38-03 | Recreation - violations | Enacted |
37-03 | Growth Policy Process | Enacted |
36-03 | Fire and Rescue Services - Amendments | Enacted |
35-03 | Landlord - Tenant Relations - Fees for Non-residential Bicycle Parking | Enacted |
34-03 | Finance - Agricultural Energy Cost Assistance | Enacted |
33-03 | Personnel - Retirement Amendments | Enacted |
32-03 | Personnel- Retirement - Police | Enacted |
31-03 | Transportation Impact Tax | Enacted |
30-03 | Collective Bargaining - Schedule and Process | Enacted |
29-03 | Forest Conservation - Equestrian Facilities | Enacted |
28-03 | Health and Human Services - Local Management Board | Enacted |
27-03 | Moderately Priced Dwelling Units - Amendments | Enacted |
26-03 | Property Tax Credit for Surviving Spouse of Public Safety Worker | Enacted |
25-03 | Residential Fire Sprinkler Systems | Enacted |
24-03 | Recordation Tax - Use of Funds | Enacted |
23-03 | Bond Authorization | Enacted |
22-03 | Building Code - International Standards | Enacted |
21-03 | County Government - Consular Registration Card as Personal Identification | Enacted |
20-03 | Fees for Bicycle Parking | Enacted |
19-03 | Ethics - Appeals, Cable Compliance Commission | Enacted |
18-03 | Minority Owned Business Purchasing Program - Extension | Enacted |
17-03 | Personnel - Retirement - Technical Amendments | Enacted |
16-03 | Homestead Property Tax Credit - 2004 Tax Year | Enacted |
15-03 | Smoking - Eating and Drinking Establishments | Enacted |
14-03 | Takoma Park Substation - Rebate | Enacted |
13-03 | Interagency Coordinating Board - Membership | Disapproved |
12-03 | Health and Human Services - Non-merit Positions | Enacted |
11-03 | Taxes - Excise - Video Rental and Sale | Expired |
10-03 | Telecommunications Excise Tax - Amendments | Expired |
9-03 | Development Impact Tax - School Facilities | Enacted |
8-03 | Transportation Fund | Expired |
7-03 | Special CIP - Brookeville Service Park | Enacted |
6-03 | Special CIP - PSTA Academic Building | Enacted |
5-03 | Real Property Transfer Tax - Exemptions | Enacted |
4-03 | Personnel - Retirement Amendments | Enacted |
3-03 | Landlord-Tenant Relations - Attorney's Fees | Sunset, extended by Bill 5-05E |
2-03 | Mobile Telephone Use | Expired |
1-03 | South Germantown Recreational Park - Tennis Center - Lease Amendments | Enacted |
NOTE: For signed copies of bills enacted before 2005, please email your name and address and bill number.