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Eastern Montgomery Regional Services Center

East County Citizens Advisory Board


Members featured online in the month of December 2006


  • Stanley G. Doore
  • Colleen Ionata
  • Gladstone Nixon James




      Stanley G. Doore - Please click here to review the Resume


Colleen Ionata - has lived in the eastern part of Montgomery County for over 30 years.  She graduated from Springbrook High School and earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Government and Politics from the University of Maryland, College Park.

Professionally, she has been employed as a Field Representative for a Member of Congress and an Assistant for a large public interest firm.  Most recently, she was employed as a Legal Assistant with a well-established law firm in Rockville, MD.

She and her husband currently reside in the upper part of the east county where they raise their three young children (and now four). She is proud to be part of the volunteer activities in her son�s school and church.  She has also been active in the local area projects.

Colleen welcomes the opportunity to help her neighborhood and surrounding area as well as the rest of East County through the East County Citizen�s Advisory Board (ECCAB) and its activities.

 Gladstone Nixon James - Academic and Professional Background- University of Maryland, BS; Accounting & University of Maryland , MS Finance  Occupation, Gladstone graduated with an accounting degree from the University of Maryland in 1992 and started working for Choice Hotels International.  He has been in several positions within Choice Hotels for the past 14 years. He is currently the Director of Billing and Receivables.  While working at Choice he completed his masters in finance from the University of Maryland in 2000.  He married Anita Abraham in 1995.  They have four children; twin boys Daniel Abraham and Edward Nathan on 12/22/00, Andrew Gladstone born on 12/9/02, and Hannah Grace was born on 3/7/05.