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   Montgomery County Department of Transportation
   Division of Highway Services  



General Questions

Q: Why is this main road being repaved?

A: The Division of Highway Services' staff have evaluated the road and have determined that it meets the criteria for asphalt overlay (repaving). Some of these criteria are volume and type of traffic, amount and type of defects such as cracks and ruts, ride quality, and other scheduled work activity.

Q: When will repaving take place?

A: DHS schedules main roads for paving during the yearly construction season which generally runs from March through November. Scheduling also reflects the available budget for the fiscal year.

We will try to schedule paving in the CBDs and on arterial roads for night paving. This will limit the paving operation's impact on traffic and businesses.

Primary roads through neighborhoods will be paved during daytime hours to limit nightime disturbance to residents and to follow the County's noise ordinances. However, there may be instances when limited night paving in these areas would meet our operational requirements more efficiently and pose limited disturbance to residents.

Q: Will we receive any notice of the paving work?

A: Yes. DHS is continually improving its notification methods. Currently we do the following:

We anticipate that these methods will provide timely notice and information to our customers.

Urban Districts and Commercial Business Districts (CBD Roads)

Q: How will the paving operation affect on-street meter parking the CBD?

A: On-street meter parking will be restricted during the work. Because DHS will be paving the CBD roads at night, this should limit most inconvenience to the public and businesses. We will attempt to ensure that the paving operations will leave nearby streets available for parking.

Q: How will we be notified of the paving?

A: We will be coordinating our work schedules with the County's Regional Service Centers (RSCs) in the CBD areas. The RSCs can assist in notifying businesses of the upcoming work in their areas. Coordinating with the RSCs also prevents conflicts with their scheduled events, such as the Taste of Wheaton..

Main Roads Through Neighborhoods (Primary Roads)

Q: Will night paving be done on the main road in my neighborhood?

A: See General Questions above.

Q: Where can I park?

A: Click on Street Repair FAQs for additional nformation.

Arterial Roads

Q: Will shoulders be paved?

A: In some instances the shoulders may be paved. However, we usually find it cost effective to use a method such as Chipseal to resurface the shoulder areas where the shoulders are wide (6'-8'). The lighter aggregate of the Chipseal also helps to delineate the shoulder from the paved roadway which enhances safety. However, in most instances, we will fill the shoulder areas with the same material that is existing, either dirt and grass seed, or gravel.



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Highway Services · Montgomery County Department of Transportation
Questions/Comments · Inside Montgomery County dial 311 · TTY: 240-773-3556
Outside Montgomery County dial 240-777-0311