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   Montgomery County Department of Transportation
   Division of Highway Services  


2010 Countywide Pavement Condition Report

Pavement Management System

All county maintained roadway were rated to identify their current condition. This consisted of visually identifying both the severity and extent of key pavement distress indicators per pavement type.

Decision trees were developed to identify the recommended repair given the predominate distress indicators identified for each roadway segment during the road rating. This resulted in the roadway repair needs and associated costs for the initial year of investigation.

For the future year analysis, the road rating data was converted into a general Pavement Condition Index (PCI) score (1 to 100). For each road segment, that PCI value was then deteriorated along a deterioration curve specific to that roadway segment's pavement type.

Appropriate pavement repairs were then identified in future years based on a number of rules as to what repair can be chosen throughout the life of the specific pavement section. These rules to select the appropriate repair are based on the predicted condition of the roadway, the previous repair completed, the years since the previous repair and other factors.

With this overall pavement management model developed, budget constraints were incorporated in order to determine what repairs could be completed within a given budget. Theses budget constraints were grouped to correspond with the County's CIP budget breakdown.

Within the system, roadway sections that did not receive a repair were deteriorated accordingly. Roadway sections that did receive a repair were improved in the system and then continued their deterioration from the improved condition.

The overall County network was then analyzed with the goal of maximizing the benefit (maximize the life cycle of the network). This was done by computing the benefit for all possible repairs, at all possible locations, at differing times in the pavement life cycle and selecting the strategy with the greatest benefit.

This resulted in the computed overall network condition at any given point in time based on a given budget plan with the goal of utilizing the budgets in the best way possible (choosing a repair strategy that maximizes the life cycle of the roadway pavement network).




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Highway Services · Montgomery County Department of Transportation
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