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   Montgomery County Department of Transportation
   Division of Highway Services  



These roads have been classified as either Rural or Rural Rustic Roads by legislation. Many of these roads are narrow, low volume roads intended primarily for local, agricultural use, as designated by the Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission (M-NCPPC). This classification restricts the type of maintenance that can be performed on these roads so that the rural character can be maintained. Therefore, we use chip seal as the preferred resurfacing method for these types of roads. We believe the long term benefits of the chipseal resurfacing used by the County will preserve the natural, agricultural and historic character of the road.

Click below for more information on chip seal resurfacing:

Chip seal FAQs




For any MCDOT service request or complaint, call 311
When dialing outside of the county, call 240-777-0311 or submit via their website.

For website comments or to report website problems or broken links, please email us.
This email address does not handle service requests or complaints.

Highway Services · Montgomery County Department of Transportation
Questions/Comments · Inside Montgomery County dial 311 · TTY: 240-773-3556
Outside Montgomery County dial 240-777-0311