Door to Door Vendor License

A door-to-door Vendor License is required if an individual travels from dwelling to dwelling or office to office to sell goods or services within Montgomery County, excluding the city limits of Gaithersburg, Rockville and Takoma Park.
For more information about vendor licenses, listen to the DPS Podcast or watch it on-demand on You Tube.
Can I fax my application?
No. The completed application with signed affidavits for all vending activities and supporting documents must be emailed to:
[email protected].
What do I need to display while working?
A copy of your State of Maryland Business License, a copy of your registration thru the Department of Labor and Licensing and Regulation (DLLR) and your operator ID.
Does my County license apply in the cities of Gaithersburg, Rockville or Takoma Park?
No. Please check with these municipalities for more information.
Can I sell food?
The selling of prepared foods or pre-packaged food and beverages of any kind requires a Certified Food Service Managers ID Card and Inspection Report from the Licensure and Regulatory Services Section of the Department of Health and Human Services . Contact by telephone at 240-777-3986.