2005 Reports - Appendix

This Appendix lists documents examined by the Office of Legislative Oversight (OLO) during its fact-finding review of the Clarksburg Town Center Project. The exhibits in this Appendix include all documents referenced in the source tables contained in the report as well as other supporting materials.

The exhibits are organized into eight folders (listed alphabetically) that correspond to the different sources that provided documents to OLO. A list of all exhibits begins on page A-3.

Paper copies of the exhibits are available for review by contacting OLO at 240-770-7987. A PDF version of the exhibits is available from the County Council’s website.

As noted in the table of contents below, Folder H includes many documents that OLO received from the Park and Planning Commission but which were produced by other parties.

Folder A – Builders contains documents received by OLO from the CTC Project home builders. Folder H also includes several documents produced by the CTC Project builders and its partners that OLO received as attachments to documents provided by the Department of Park and Planning

Folder B – Community contains documents received by OLO from the Clarksburg Town Center Advisory Committee and their legal counsel. Folder H also contains documents produced by the Clarksburg Town Center Advisory Committee, the Clarksburg Civic Association, and other community groups that OLO received as attachments to documents provided by the Department of Park and Planning.

Folder C – County Council contains documents received by OLO from the Office of the County Council.

Folder D – Developer contains documents received by OLO from Newland Communities, Inc. and members of the CTC Project developer’s team, including their legal counsel, engineering, design, and landscaping partners. This folder also includes documents produced by previous project developers that OLO received from Newland Communities, Inc.

Folder E – Department of Permitting Services contains documents received by OLO from the Department of Permitting Services.

Folder F – Law contains excerpts from the Annotated Code of Maryland, the Montgomery County Charter, and the Montgomery County Code.

Folder G – Other contains documents received by OLO from the Department of Fire and Rescue Services, the Office of the County Executive, the Office of the County Attorney, the Department of Housing and Community Affairs. Folder H – Park and Planning contains documents received by OLO from the Planning Board and the Department of Park and Planning.

Folder H contains many documents produced by the current and previous CTC Project developer and its partners that OLO received as attachments to documents provided by the Department of Park and Planning.

The table below defines the acronyms that appear in exhibit names.

CPJ Charles P. Johnson and Associates
CTC Clarksburg Town Center
CTCAC Clarksburg Town Center Advisory Committee
DAP Development Authorization Process
DEP Department of Environmental Protection
DFRS Department of Fire and Rescue Services
DHCA Department of Housing and Community Affairs
DOT Department of Transportation (now DPWT)
DPS Department of Permitting Services
DPWT Department of Public Works and Transportation
DRC Development Review Committee
DRD Development Review Division
MCPS Montgomery County Public Schools
M/K Montgomery/Kontgias Enterprises
MFP Council's Management and Fiscal Policy Committee
M-NCPPC Maryland -National Parking and Planning Commission
MPDU Moderately Priced Dwelling Unit
OLO Office of Legislative Oversight
PB Montgomery County Planning Board
PHED Council's Planning, Housing and Economic Development Committee
PS Council's Public Safety Committee
T&E Council's Transportation and Environment Committee


Exhibit Name Doc.#
CTC Design Guidelines, January 17, 2001 A 001
Miller & Smith real estate sales contract Phase 1-B Single-Family Lots, September 4, 2001 A 002
Miller & Smith real estate sales contract Phase 1-B Townhouse Lots, September 4, 2001 A 003
Correspondence from Newland Construction Subcommittee to Miller & Smith re: CTC design guideline requirements A 004


Exhibit Name Doc.#
CTC Issues and Discrepancies prepared by CTCAC, June 25, 2005 B 001
CTCAC presentation packet for July 7, 2005 PB Violation Hearing B 002
Letter from Knopf & Brown to PB Chair, September 19, 2005 B 003
Letter from Knopf & Brown to PB Chair responding to September 7, 2005 letter sent by Newland Communities, Inc. to the PB, September 26, 2005 B 004
E-mail from CTCAC to Councilmembers re: upcoming PB hearings, September 27, 2005 B 005
Presentation from the CTCAC to the PB, October 25, 2005 B 006


Exhibit Name Doc.#
Resolution No. 13-89, Amendments to the Comprehensive Water Supply and Sewerage Systems Plan, adopted April 4, 1995 C 001
Resolution No. 12-1844, Clarksburg Sectional Map Amendment C 002
Resolution No. 15-87, Clarksburg Town Center Development District, adopted March 4, 2003 C 003
Montgomery County Council Press Release: Council Seeks Applicants for Position on Montgomery County Planning Board, January 7, 2005 C 004
Memo from Councilmember Praisner to Steve Silverman, Chair, PHED Committee re: request for meeting, June 28, 2005 C 005
Memo from the Council President to OLO assigning the independent fact-finding review of the CTC Project, July 12, 2005 C 006
Memo from Council Staff Analyst and Attorney to the County Council re: Briefing on the Status of Building Permits and Site Plan Review, July 22, 2005 C 007
Memo from Council Staff Attorney re: Public Hearing/Action: Expedited Bill 22-05, Building Permits – Moratorium – Certain Areas, July 26, 2005 C 008
Supplementary Packet: Public Hearing/Action: Expedited Bill 22-05, Building Permits – Moratorium – Certain Areas, July 26, 2005 C 009
Resolution 15-1125: Short-term Measures to Assure Compliance with Site Plans, July 26, 2005 C 010
Memo from Chief Administrative Officer to Council re: DPS and M-NCPPC Staffing Plan as Required by Resolution 15-1125, August 2, 2005 C 011
Memo from Chief Administrative Officer to Council re: DPS and M-NCPPC Biweekly Report as Required by Resolution 15-1125, August 12, 2005 C 012
Memo from Chief Administrative Officer to Council re: DPS and M-NCPPC Biweekly Report as Required by Resolution 15-1125, August 26, 2005 C 013
Memo from Council Deputy Director to T&E Committee re: Briefing – status of roads in Clarksburg, September 6, 2005 C 014
Statement by Councilmember Silverman announcing bi-weekly committee oversight sessions on development approval issues, September 6, 2005 C 015
Memo from Chief Administrative Officer to Council re: DPS and M-NCPPC Biweekly Report as Required by Resolution 15-1125, September 9, 2005 C 016
Memo from Council Staff Analyst to Public Safety Committee re: Update – Fire and Rescue Service in Clarksburg, September 13, 2005 C 017
Memo from Council Staff Analyst to PHED Committee re: Oversight Session on Developmental Approval Issues, September 15, 2005 C 018
Memo from Chief Administrative Officer to Council re: DPS and M-NCPPC Biweekly Report as Required by Resolution 15-1125, September 27, 2005 C 019
Memo from Council Staff Analysts to PHED Committee re: Oversight Session on Developmental Approval Issues – MPDU and Other Issues, September 28, 2005 C 020
Memo from Council Staff Attorney to MFP Committee re: Update – Development Districts in Clarksburg, October 10, 2005 C 021
Memo from Council Staff Analysts to PHED Committee re: Oversight Session on Developmental Approval Issues, October 14, 2005 C 022
Memo from Chief Administrative Officer to Council re: DPS and M-NCPPC Biweekly Report as Required by Resolution 15-1125, October 17, 2005 C 023
Semi-Annual Report from the PB to the County Council for the meeting with Council on Oct. 18, 2005 C 024


Exhibit Name Doc.#
Original Terrabrook sales brochure D 001
2004 Newland sales brochure D 002
Color coded map of Clarksburg Town Center, January 2005 D 003
CPJ composite map of site plan amendments and revisions D 004
Documentation for Revision #1 on CPJ composite map D 005
Documentation for Revision #2 on CPJ composite map D 006
Documentation for Revision #3 on CPJ composite map D 007
Documentation for Revision #4 on CPJ composite map D 008
Phase IB2 Site Plan Sign Set 9-98001B D 009
Phase IB3 Site Plan Sign Set signed December 17, 2001 from CPJ D 010
Phase IA Site Plan Sign Set 8-98001 D 011
Phase IA Dumpster with unit change revision SP 8-98001C D 012
Recorded Subdivision Plat for Clarksridge Road (Plat No. 22367) D 013
Subdivision Record Plat No. 21971 D 014
Approved storm drain and paving plan Lots/Block: 33-72/C,1-46/D, 1-29/E (sheet 2 of 5) D 015
Letter from Allegheny Power to Park and Planning staff re: CTC proposed utility service, January 7, 1998 D 016
Memo from Linowes and Blocher to file re: April 13, 2000 meeting Park and Planning staff D 017
M-NCPPC memorandum re: outlining process for staff level approvals of changes to the original Terrabrook Site Plan, April 13, 2000 D 018
Correspondence from Linowes and Blocher to Park and Planning staff re: Site Plan Enforcement Agreement for Phase II (8-02014), May 20, 2003 D 019
Letter to Park and Planning staff re: confirming Planning staff’s position on heights, November 10, 2004 D 020
Letter from CPJ to Park and Planning staff re: record plats for Phase II, June 30, 2005 D 021
Letter from CPJ to Park and Planning staff re: record plats for Phase II, June 30, 2005 D 022
Letter from CPJ to Park and Planning staff re: clarification of process and intent behind the final layout of the units at CTC, July 18, 2005 D 023
Letter from CPJ to Park and Planning staff re: setbacks for CTC units, July 18, 2005 D 024
Letter from CPJ Associates Park and Planning staff re: process and intent behind the final layout of the units at CTC, July 18, 2005 D 025
Development Review Committee minutes re: Phase IA Part One, July 31, 2001 D 026
Excerpt of minutes from DRC meeting re: discussion of CTC Phase IA - 8-98001C, July 31, 2005 D 027
Letter from Counsel to Newland to OLO re: description of the allocation of the duties and responsibilities, August 9, 2005 D 028
Letter from Linowes and Blocher to Council re: response filed on behalf of Newland Communities, Inc. to allegations of site plan violations, September 15, 2005 D 029
Letter from Linowes and Blocher to PB Chair in response to September 19, 2005 letter from CTCAC's counsel, September 28, 2005 D 030



Exhibit Name Doc.#
 DPS Guide to Permitting Services E 001
DPS website information on permitting E 002
DPS Fact Sheet – About DPS E 003
DPS Fact Sheet – Permitting Process E 004
DPS Fact Sheet – Building codes and Standards E 005
DPS Fact Sheet: Code Modification Procedure E 006
DPS Fact Sheet: Off-Street Parking Waiver E 007
List of zones for which DPS has enforcement authority E 008
Montgomery County Executive Regulation 7-02AM: Stormwater Management, Effective July 23, 2002 E 009
Special Protection Area Program Annual Report 2004, October 2005 E 010

Montgomery County Executive Regulation 29-95: Regulations for Water Quality Review-Special Protection Areas, Effective October 24, 1995
E 011
Montgomery County Executive Regulation 27-10AM: Requests under the Maryland Public Information Act, Effective November 20, 2001 E 012
DPS diagrams of lot requirements E 013
Administrative Checklist for Sediment Control Plan Review E 014
Sediment Control/Stormwater Management Detail Plan & Permit Process E 015
DPS Overview of site plans transition to grading, storm drain and sediment control permits E 016
Stormwater Management Concept Requirements E 017
Water Resources Technical Policies: Access Requirements for Underground Stormwater Management Facilities in Montgomery County, July 1, 2005 E 018
DPS Complaint Form and Standard Operating Procedure for complaint handling E 019
DPS Administrative/Operating Procedure for Public Information Policy, 2003 E 020
Storm Drain Design Criteria, Department of Transportation, August 1988 E 021
DPWT Book of Design Standards, February 2001 E 022
DPS Standard Operating Procedure: Zoning Code Enforcement, signed December 31, 2001 E 023
Office of the County Attorney: Code Enforcement in Montgomery County: Process and Procedure from Citation to Trial and Beyond, January 2002 E 024
DHCA and DPS Publication: A Guide to Code Enforcement, January 2002 E 025
DPS conditions for right-of-way and sediment control permits E 026
DPS notices regarding sediment control permit requirements E 027
Summary of DEP comments on CTC Water Quality Plan, February 28, 1997 E 028
Developer's Water Quality Monitoring Quarterly Report: October – December 1997 E 029
Developer's Water Quality Monitoring Quarterly Report: April 1997 – June 1997 E 030
Stormwater Management Facilities Report CTC prepared by Schnabel Engineering, July 1997 E 031
Report on hydrogeological investigations for stormwater management structures prepared by Schnabel Engineering, October 1997 E 032
DPS file containing CTC stormwater management and subdivision documents E 033
CTC Ecological Covenant for Declaration for Clarksburg Homeowners Association from Linowes and Blocher E 034
Subdivision lists from Department of Park and Planning, received by DPS approximately March 2003 E 035
Code Interpretation/Policy Section 59-A-5.33: Established Building Line E 036
Code Interpretation/Policy Section 59-C-1.32: Development Standards – Lots with no Street Frontage E 037
Code Interpretation/Policy Section 59-B-5.1 and 59-B-5.3: Exemptions from Controls E 038
Report of Supplemental Geotechnical Exploration, CTC Phase IIA, June 19, 2002 E 039
New impervious area computations for the CTC project E 040
DPS record of right-of-way inspections E 041
DPS computer print out of CTC sediment control applications E 042
DPS computer print out of CTC sediment control inspections E 043
Grant of Stormwater Management Easement and Right-of-Way to Montgomery County, MD, June 2001 E 044
Declaration of Covenants Inspection/Maintenance of Stormwater Management Facility, April 2002 E 045
Grant of Stormwater Management Easement and Right-of-Way to Montgomery County, MD, April 2002 E 046
Declaration of Covenants for Inspection/Maintenance of Stormwater Management Facility, September 2002 E 047
Grant of Stormwater Management Easement and Right-of-Way to Montgomery County, MD, September 2002 E 048
Deed of Dedication, Easements, and Public Utility Easements (Stringtown Road), March 2003 E 049
Public Improvements Agreement No. 990027, October 20, 2005
E 050
Grant of Stormwater Management Easement and Right-of-Way to Montgomery County, September 2002 E 051
Erosion and Sediment Control Plan Review Checklist for Permit # 206900 E 052
Summary Table of DPS Permits and Inspections for CTC Project E 053
CTC Final Water Quality Plan Phases IA and IB, July 1997, Revised November 1997 and December 1997 E 054
Clarksburg Town Center Water Quality for Phase IIC/IID prepared by CPJ Associates, August 2003 E 055
Groundwater Recharge Facilities Section 1B-Part 3 August 2001 E 056
Clarksburg Town Center Phase IA Part I Water Quality Control Comps prepared by CPJ Associates, November 2002, revised January 2003 E 057
Report of subsurface exploration prepared by Geo-Technology Associates, April 9, 2001 E 058
Attachment to the Final Water Quality Plan for Clarksburg Town Center Phase II, May 2002 E 059
Clarksburg Town Center Water Quality for Phase IIB, November 2002 E 060
Report of Geotechnical Exploration CTC Phase IA, June 21, 2002 E 061
Computations for Water Quality Control Facilities for Phase IA, April 2003 E 062
Declaration of Covenants for Inspection/Maintenance of Stormwater Management Facility, July 2003 E 063
DPS Right-of-Way Construction Permit Approval with Bond Estimates issued October 24, 2003 E 064
DPS Study: Clarksburg Town Center, Phase IB – Part 3, August 2001 E 065
Sediment Control Permit # 205466 – Shop Drawing Review Checklist E 066
Citations: State of Maryland vs. Craftstar Home, Inc. E 067
DPS Policy: Right-of-way plan review and permit processing, August 2002 E 068
Sample CTC building permit applications E 069
Application for Stormwater Management Concept CTC Phase II, September 28, 2001 E 070
Application for Stormwater Management Concept Phase IA, July 19, 2002 E 071
Stormwater Management Concept Application 1-95042 by Loiderman Associates, November 18, 1994 E 072
Stormwater Management Concept Application 8-98001 by MK Enterprises, July 31, 1997 E 073
Building permit application package and permits for Bozzuto Building #3 E 074
DPS Record of Public Right-of-Way Permits E 075
Subdivision development standard list created by DPS – updated August 2, 2005 E 076
DPS Correspondence Related to Transportation E 077
Letters from DPS to MK Enterprises re: Stormwater Management Concept Request, February 14, 1995 E 078
Memo from DEP staff to DOT staff re: Waivers of Open Section Roadways in CTC Preliminary Plan #1-95042, September 8, 1995 E 079
Correspondence from DPS to MK Enterprises dated December 11, 1997, January 15, 1997, and April 6, 1998 E 080
Letter from Geo-Technology Associates to Terrabrook re: Proposed Embankment for Stormwater Management Pond No. 1, June 30, 2000 E 081
Letter from Biohabitats to DPS staff re: Response to Comments of December 11, 1997 on the review of the Final Water Plan, December 18, 1997 E 082
Memo from Clarksburg Land Associates Limited Partnership to PB staff re: Perimeter Road Sections, January 7, 1998 E 083
Fax from Biohabitats to DPS staff re: Final Water Quality Plan Certification, February 6, 1998 E 084
Letter from MK Enterprises to DPS staff re: CTC Site Plan #8-98001, March 2, 1998 E 085
Memo from DEP to DTS re: Final Water Quality Plan Review, September 24, 1998 E 086
Letter from Department of the Army to Terrabrook Communities, October 26, 2000 E 087
Memo from MK Enterprises to DPS re: CTC Preliminary Plan #1-95042 “Rough Water Grading Only Plan”, June 7, 1999 E 088
Letter from EQR Resources to Terrabrook re: Stream Stabilization work completed at the Clarksburg Site, October 25, 2001 E 089
Letter from DPS staff to CPJ re: Stormwater Management Concept Request for CTC Phase II, May 9, 2002 E 090
Letter from CPJ to DPS staff re: CTC stormwater management pond #2, June 19, 2002 E 091
Correspondence from MCPS to DPS re: sediment control permit #206930, May 16, 2003 E 092
Transmittal memo from DEP and DPS Directors to Council President Perez, October 7, 2005 E 093
E-mail from Park and Planning staff to DPS with supporting documents from CPJ E 094
List of names and positions of DPS staff who participated in CTC Project E 095



Exhibit Name Doc.#
Annotated Code of Maryland, Article 28, Section 7-116 Regulations governing subdivisions of land F 001
Annotated Code of Maryland: Article 28, Regional District Act F 002
Charter of Montgomery County, Maryland: Sec. 110 F 003
Montgomery County Code: Sec. 2-76 and Sec. 2A F 004
Montgomery County Code: Sec. 8-15 F 005
Montgomery County Code: Chapter 19 (Sec. 19-4, 19-10, 19-24, 19-66) F 006
Montgomery County Code: Chapter 50 (Sec. 50-38, 50-41) F 007
Montgomery County Code: Chapter 59 (Sec. 59C-6.215, 59C-10.3.8, 59C-10.2.2, 59D-2.6, 59D-2.11, 59D-2.23, 59D-2.4, 59D-2.4, 59D-2.41, 59D-2.42, 59D-3.1, 59D-3.23, 59D-3.4, 59D-3.5, 59D-3.6, 59-E, 59H-5) F 008


Exhibit Name Doc.#
Comments from DFRS inspection with attached DRC comments and sheet w/requirements, September 1997 G 001
Department of Park and Planning Minor Site Plan Amendment Process – Draft, 2003 G 002
Memo from Chief Administrative Office to Council President re: road infrastructure report, August 15, 2005 G 003
Memo from County Executive to Council President re: Proposal to Assume Site Plan Enforcement, September 6, 2005 G 004
Memo from County Attorney to OLO re: legal questions 1 ,2, 3, 6, and 7, September 26, 2005 G 005
Memo from Associate County Attorney to OLO responding to legal questions 4, 8, and 9, October 7, 2005 G 006
DHCA correspondence to Newland regarding MPDU violations
G 007


Exhibit Name Doc.#
Approved and Adopted Clarksburg Master Plan and Hyattstown Special Study Area, June 1994 H 001
Map - Approved and Adopted Clarksburg Master Plan and Hyattstown Special Study Area, June 1994 H 002
Technical Appendix - Approved and Adopted Clarksburg Master Plan and Hyattstown Special Study Area, June 1994
H 003
Project Plan 9-94004 Project Application H 004
Project Plan 9-94004 Staff Report H 005
Project Plan 9-94004 Planning Board Opinion H 006
Project Plan 9-94004 Approved Signature Set H 007
PB Public Hearing notice: Project Plan Review – extension of review period (#9-94004A) H 008
Project Plan Extension 9-94004E Staff Report H 009
Project Plan Extension 9-94004E Planning Board Opinion H 010
Project Plan Amendment 9-94004 Application H 011
Preliminary Plan 1-95042 Project Application H 012
Preliminary Plan 1-95042 Staff Report H 013
Preliminary Plan 1-95042 Planning Board Opinion H 014
Preliminary Plan 1-95042 Approved Signature Set H 015
Preliminary Plan Revision 1-95042R Planning Board Opinion H 016
Preliminary Plan Amendment 1-95042A Planning Board Opinion H 017
Preliminary Plan Amendment 1-95042A Project Application H 018
Site Plan Phase I 8-98001 Project Application H 019
Site Plan Phase I 8-98001 Staff Report H 020
Site Plan Phase I 8-98001 Planning Board Opinion H 021
Site Plan Phase I 8-98001 Site Plan Enforcement Agreement H 022
Site Plan Phase I 8-98001 Approved Signature Set H 023
Site Plan Amendment Phase I 8-98001A Project Application H 024
Site Plan Amendment Phase I 8-98001A Approved Signature Set H 025
Working CTC data table prepared by Park and Planning staff H 026
Site Plan Amendment Phase I 8-98001B Project Application H 027
Site Plan Amendment Phase I 8-98001B Approved Signature Set H 028
Site Plan Amendment Phase I 8-98001C Project Application H 029
Site Plan Amendment Phase I 8-98001C Approved Signature Set H 030
Site Plan Amendment Phase I 8-98001D Project Application H 031
Site Plan Amendment Phase I 8-98001D Approved Signature Set H 032
Site Plan Amendment Phase I 8-98001E Project Application H 033
Site Plan Amendment Phase I 8-98001F Project Application H 034
Site Plan Amendment Phase I 8-98001F Approved Signature Set H 035
Site Plan Amendment Phase I 8-98001G Project Application H 036
Site Plan Amendment Phase I 8-98001G Planning Board Opinion H 037
Site Plan Amendment Phase I 8-98001G and 8-02014 B Manor Homes Staff Report H 038
Site Plan Amendment Phase I 8-98001H (B) Approved Signature Set H 039
Site Plan Phase II 8-02014 Project Application H 040
Site Plan Phase II 8-02014 Site Plan Enforcement Agreement H 041
Site Plan Phase II 8-02014 Approved Signature Set – includes MPDU location map H 042
Site Plan Phase II 8-02014 Staff Report H 043
Site Plan Phase II 8-02014 Planning Board Opinion H 044
Site Plan Amendment Phase II 8-02014A Project Application H 045
Site Plan Amendment Phase II 8-02014A Approved Signature Set H 046
Chart listing regulatory approvals for CTC project and Project Approvals in Chronological Order H 047
Park and Planning staff response to OLO information request re: statutory authority of Park and Planning staff to make minor amendments to a plan H 048
Site Plan Phase III 8-04034 Retail Project Application H 049
Site Plan Phase IIIA Application #8-04034, June 3, 2004 H 050
CPJ Associates unit type list per section, Site Plan Phase III Application #8-04034, June 17, 2005 H 051
Approved Planning Board Minutes from January 22, 1998; September 13, 2001; May 9, 2002; February 20, 2003; January 8, 2004; October 21, 2004 H 052
Site Plan Phase III Application #8-04034: June 28, 2004 Park and Planning Staff water resource documents H 053
Site Plan Project Application 8-02014B H 054
PB Agenda Item #1 - Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance Rewrite Project Phase II: Commercial, Industrial, and Mixed Use Zones, February 20, 2003 H 055
PB Public Hearing notice: February 10, 2005 Manor House (Site Plan #8-98001G and #8-02014B) H 056
PB Public Hearing notice: April 14, 2005 Failure to Comply/Violation Hearing (Bldg Height) and Failure to Comply (Building Setback) H 057
Approved Planning Board minutes from April 14, 2005 H 058
PB Public Hearing - Written transcript , April 14, 2005 H 059
Transcript of Reconsideration Request CTC before the PB, May 5, 2005 H 060
PB Public Hearing notice: July 7, 2005 Reconsideration of Failure to comply (Height), Failure to Comply (Setback) and Failure to Comply (Enforcement) H 061
PB Public Hearing - Speakers list and transcript, July 7, 2005 H 062
Memo from Park and Planning staff to PB re: Reconsideration of Alleged Height Violations and Consideration of Alleged Setback Violations Case #8-98001 and amendments and #8-02014 and amendments, July 7, 2005 H 063
Attachments to PB Packet for July 7, 2005 Hearing: Staff Report for the CTC Project Plan 9-94004, March 22, 1995 H 064
Attachments to PB Packet for July 7, 2005 Hearing: PB Revised Opinion of Preliminary Plan #1-95042, March 26, 1996 H 065
Attachments to PB Packet for July 7, 2005 Hearing: Memo from Park and Planning staff to PB re: Site Plan Review CTC Phase I 8-98001, January 16, 1998 H 066
Attachments to PB Packet for July 7, 2005 Hearing: Site Plan Enforcement Agreements Site Plan #8-98001, March 18, 1999 H 067
Attachments to PB Packet for July 7, 2005 Hearing: Memo from Park and Planning staff to PB re: Final Water Quality Plan and Site Plan Review CTC Phase II Site Plan #8-02014, May 2, 2002 H 068
Attachments to PB Packet for July 7, 2005 Hearing: Memo from Park and Planning staff to PB re: Site Plan Compliance pursuant to Montgomery County Code (for Site Plans #8-98001, 8-98001B and 8-02014) H 069
Attachments to PB Packet for July 7, 2005 Hearing: Park and Planning staff handout at April 14, 2005 Violation Meeting H 070
Attachments to PB Packet for July 7, 2005 Hearing: Correspondence from Lerch, Early and Brewer (on behalf of Miller & Smith) re: CTC H 071
Attachments to PB Packet for July 7, 2005 Hearing: Correspondence from Citizens re: CTC H 072
Attachments to PB Packet for July 7, 2005 Hearing: CTCAC Correspondence with Park and Planning staff H 073
Attachments to PB Packet for July 7, 2005 Hearing: Correspondence from Knopf & Brown (on behalf of the CTCAC) re: CTC H 074
Attachments to PB Packet for July 7, 2005 Hearing: Correspondence from Linowes and Blocher (on behalf of Newland and Bozzuto) re: CTC H 075
Approved Planning Board minutes from July 7, 2005 H 076
Attachments to PB Packet for July 7, 2005 Hearing: Correspondence from Shulman Rogers (on behalf of Craftstar) and Craftstar, Inc. re: CTC H 077
Development Review Committee description of responsibilities and members H 078
Development Review Committee Minutes - discussion of 1-95042, January 17, 1995 H 079
Development Review Committee Minutes - discussion of 8-98001, September 8, 1997 H 080
PB Public Hearing notice: July 14, 2005 Site Plan Review (#8-03002B) and Removal of Site Plan Hearing from Agenda H 081
Development Review Committee minutes, September 25, 2000 H 082
PB Public Hearing notice: July 28, 2005 Preliminary Plan extension (#1-95042) H 083
Development Review Committee Minutes - discussion of 8-02014, November 19, 2002 H 084
DRD Material for Development Review Committee Meeting on June 28, 2004 CTC Phase IIIA 8-04034 H 085
DRD Material for Development Review Committee Meeting on June 20, 2005 CTC Phase IIIA 8-04034 H 086
Highlights from the 1992 Report “The Implementation Report, Streamlining Montgomery County’s Development Authorization Process”, April 3, 2001 H 087
The Implementation Report, Streamlining Montgomery County’s Development Authorization Process, November 5, 1992 H 088
Policy Level Report, Streamlining Montgomery County’s Development Authorization Process, April 15, 1992 H 089
Pages from Park and Planning staff logbook of CTC site plan amendment applications and fees H 090
List of CTC inspections and field comments from August 3, 2000 to July 20, 2005 H 091
Memo from M-NCPPC General Counsel to PB re: Zoning Text Amendment 04-06 to Eliminate Requirement for Site Plan Enforcement Agreements, April 23, 2004 H 092
Zoning Text Amendment 04-06 to Zoning Ordinance 15-26 for the purpose of eliminating the site plan agreement requirement, Adopted July 20, 2004 H 093
Park and Planning Press Release: Stop Work Order Issued for Parts of Clarksburg Town Center, September 19, 2005 H 094
Department of Park and Planning Stop Work Order issued September 20, 2005 H 095
Subdivision Regulation, Section 50-41, Enforcement
H 096
Montgomery County Planning Board of the M-NCPPC Forest Conservation Regulations, No. 1-01 AM, July 30, 2002
H 097
Site Plan Guidelines for Projects containing MPDUs, June 1, 1995 H 098
MPDU Location Plan for CTC, April 2002 H 099
MPDU agreement between DHCA and Terrabrook Clarksburg LLC, May 31, 2002 H 100
Building Permit Release Routing sheet: Phase I Site Plan (8-98001) H 101
Building Permit Release Routing sheet: Phase II Site Plan (8-02014) H 102
Building Permit Release Routing sheet: Phase I, Amendment A (8-98001A) H 103
Park and Planning staff response to OLO information request re: Building Permit Review Procedures H 104
Draft new Department of Park and Planning permit review checklist H 105
State of Maryland “Uniform Criminal/Civil Citation" form H 106
Memo from Park and Planning staff to OLO re: response to legal questions 2, 6, and 7 related to CTC Fact-Finding Review, August 8, 2005 H 107
Memo from Park and Planning staff to OLO re: response to legal question 2, August 15, 2005 H 108
Memo from Park and Planning staff to OLO re: legal response to OLO question 1, September 7, 2005 H 109
Memo from Park and Planning staff to OLO re: legal response to OLO question 3, September 8, 2005 H 110
Memo from Park and Planning staff re: legal response to OLO question 9, September 12, 2005 H 111
Letter from Department of Park and Planning General Counsel to Council's Senior Legislative Attorney re: interviewing PB members, October 10, 2005 H 112
Memo from Park and Planning staff to CTC Review Team, re: review of Site Plan 8-98001 August 6, 1997 H 113
Memo from Park and Planning staff to other County Staff and Agencies requesting comments on proposed CTC site plan, October 25, 1997 H 114
Revised memo from Park and Planning staff to PB re: Approval of Final Water Quality Plan, January 16, 1998 H 115
Memo from Park and Planning staff to members of the Clarksburg Town Center Concept Plan Review Team re: Concept Plan Review, July 17, 2000 H 116
CTC Concept Plan prepared by Terrabrook, SKO Architects and Planners and CPJ Engineers H 117
Memo from Park and Planning staff to PB re: Approval of Final Water Quality Plan including Stormwater Management Concept, May 2, 2002 H 118
Department of Park and Planning copies of correspondence to and from CTCAC from August 16, 2004 to August 10, 2005 H 119
E-mail from DPWT to Park and Planning staff re: extending Redgrave Place to MD355, March 25, 2004 H 120
E-mail from Allegheny Power to PB staff re: public utility easements, July 26, 2004 H 121
Correspondence to and from PB or Park and Planning staff related to CTC project since August 2004 H 122
Letter from CTCAC to PB Chair re: site plan deviations, August 16, 2004 H 123
Memo from DRD to Supervisor DRD re: Recommendation of Approval of revised citation form, October 21, 2004 H 124
E-mail from Park and Planning staff to Linowes and Blocher re: Manor Homes construction , June 17, 2005 H 125
Letter from CPJ to Park and Planning staff re: field verification of building heights, July 21, 2005
H 126
Letter from CPJ to Park and Planning staff re: CTC setbacks table, July 21, 2005 H 127
Letter from M-NCPPC Counsel to OLO re: Rules of Procedure for PB, August 9, 2005 H 128
E-mail from Clarksburg Civic Association to Upcounty Regional Services Center staff re: opposing proposed Phase IIIA, August 26, 2005 H 129
Letter from PB Chair to Council President re: brief chronology and a detailed action plan, September 2, 2005 H 130
Letter from PB Chair to Council President re: chronology of events, September 2, 2005 H 131
Memo from Park and Planning staff to OLO re: implementation status for conditions specified in CTC Project Plan, Preliminary Plan, and Site Plans, September 21, 2005 H 132
Memo from Park and Planning staff to OLO re: legal response to OLO questions 4 and 8, September 22, 2005 H 133
Memo from Knopf & Brown to PB Chair, October 18, 2005 H 134
Needs Assessment for Clarksburg Library, September 22, 2001 H 135
Clarksburg Retail Study, September 1991 H 136
Design sketches for Clarksburg Town Center H 137
Pamphlet: Department of Park and Planning Packager Protocol H 138
PB Traffic Mitigation Guidelines H 139
MCPS Elementary, Middle, and High School Site Requirements H 140
Local Area Transportation Review Guidelines Landscape Manual, Approved and Adopted July 1, 2004 H 141
Landscape Manual (Staff Draft), September 2004 H 142
Approved and Adopted Guidelines and Interim Policies for the Administration of Preliminary, Project, and Site Plan Extensions, Effective September 18, 1992 H 143
Guidelines for Interpreting the definition of “subdivision” as it applies to mortgage and lease lines, June 18, 1992 H 144
I-3 Trip Reduction Guidelines, September 11, 1992 H 145
Staff Guidelines for the Consideration of Transportation Noise Impacts in Land Use Planning and Development, June 1983 H 146
Department of Park and Planning - Trees Approval Technical Manual H 147
Design Guidelines Handbook for Historic Preservation, 1979 H 148
Department of Park and Planning Recreation Guidelines, September 1992 H 149
Department of Park and Planning Environmental Guidelines, January 2000 H 150
Park and Planning staff response to OLO information request re: drafting and executing site plan enforcement agreements H 151
Park and Planning staff response to OLO information request re: procedures for drafting Planning Board opinions H 152
Department of Park and Planning procedures for review of plans and a written protocol for communication between DRD staff and other divisions H 153
Department of Park and Planning Records Management Manual, December 1992 H 154
Approved and Adopted Guidelines and Interim Policies for Administration of Preliminary, Project and Site Plan Extensions, Effective September 18, 1992 H 155
Signature Set Preparation Guidelines for Approved Site Plans, February 6, 2002 H 156
Department of Park and Planning description of record plat approval procedures H 157
Introduction to Montgomery County’s Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance and Growth Policy H 158
Department of Park and Planning public information brochures H 159
Park and Planning Quarterly and Bi-annual reports to Council (FY98 through FY05 ) H 160
Job/classification description for Chairman of the Planning Board H 161
Job/classification description for Director of Park and Planning H 162
Job/classification description for Planning Division Chief, Grade K, Code 4342 (includes January 13, 1988 – superseded) H 163
Organization chart for The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission H 164
Organization chart for Department of Park and Planning H 165
Organization chart for Senior Management Team, Park and Planning H 166
Organization chart for Development Review, Park and Planning H 167
Organization chart for Community-Based Planning, Park and Planning H168